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first freedive dive

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New Member
Apr 17, 2003
Hey guys,just thought id put this thread up as im extatic!

yesterday i went to a -30m tank in Portsmouth, the first real place ive ever freedived before...

and by the end of the day i was consistantly reaching the base, -30m! i was so chuffed as im only 16.

But above all that i increased by static time to 2:07, nothing compared to you guys maybe but it made me feel good enuff!

an amazing day topped off by a good sleep,


Welcome to DB


Welcome to the -30m club!

Always brings a smile to my face to hear anonther youngster has joined the ranks.

cheers for the support,

definatly gona train hard ad reach the highest i can go!

only bad thing is i cant compete until im 18 in most competitions

newaysrofl !

Nice one!

-30m? Congrats, really! If you go on like that for the next two years, you`re surely going to have some kind of a good start in competitions! Good luck from my side anyways...

Cheers joe
...and good luck and welcome from my side of the planet.
Erik Y.
---Very, very impressive!! Congratulations and welcome!
How long have you been training?
--and what was the water temp?
i have done literally no training before i went into the tank.

Dont know the exact temperature of the tank, but it was quite warm.

Thanks for all the support guys and gals, really helping me push on!

free dive

best way to train


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    how they dive.jpg
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willsrn.. that might direct the blood flow into a wrong place and cause pre-dive-blackout...:D

hmmmm...........in theory yes but I never can get deep enough to find out. Maybe I need to hold my breath longer?
nope this is me, if that were me I would marry myself and live happily ever after


  • me when i got sinusitis once.jpg
    me when i got sinusitis once.jpg
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Originally posted by margery0007
and by the end of the day i was consistantly reaching the base, -30m! But above all that i increased by static time to 2:07,

30m with only a 2 min static? Hell, if your a newbie, the dive itself must have taken nearly that long. I'll bet you have an eeeeasy 3 min static in ya. Try again ;).


"nope this is me, if that were me I would marry myself and live happily ever after"--willsrn

---Whose going to clean the tea off my monitor?!rofl

This is enough to put me off linguini for awhile. :yack
Wonder if the guy in the picture has any sinuses left... is that called snake equalization technique?? New style?
Looks quite painful...:p
Re: Re: first freedive dive

Originally posted by unirdna
30m with only a 2 min static? Hell, if your a newbie, the dive itself must have taken nearly that long. I'll bet you have an eeeeasy 3 min static in ya. Try again ;).


umm, i think the total dive time was just on 2 minutes, or slightly under- i was told it was quite fast. I am trying to get my statics up to around the 3 minute mark, but am not quite sure how to train to get the goals? ne ideas?

that ish is disgusting willsrn, i bet he can do circular breathing without a problem!!

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