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First spearing in the salty stuff

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tropical wuss
Sep 16, 2002
My trip to the bahamas wasn't all sunsets and blackouts. I also got to do some spearing. Guns are illegal, so you gotta use slings or poles. I bought a JBL travel pole spear. Maintaining my usual form, I got it the day before I left, and had no time to practice :hmm . Nevertheless, I got the hang of it pretty quickly. We only needed a couple fish for dinner, and Conner (cdavis) was kind enough to let a few shots go by so that I could snag the food. Additionally, Connor cleaned and cooked. What a deal! I still have a lot to learn about sea hunting. Thank goodness I didn't have to face any sharks. That would be just too much for a guy's first time out ;).

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I'm glad you had a good time Unirdna.I would like to take a trip to the bahamas ,that blue water has me home sick. If everything goes well with my home renovation I will be able to make it to
white lake,WI this winter.That fish on the left has a crazy mimatec pattern going on .
He got the hang of it all right. Picks a weapon that is not the most effective in that water, never shot a salt water fish, never had a pole gun in his hand, doesn't know how to do a "correct" approach on these species and he still slides right up to the fish and blows'em away. I was impressed. Shooting crappie must be real good preparation.

Nice polespearing, Ted! Bahamas diving is the best! Nassau grouper sandwich,
:p :p

Hey, positive karma for showing what fish are really for!
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