Re. Studland - how was the diving, the incline of the beach seems quite shallow? I wonder if it might be good for flat fish. Poole Harbour definitely holds fish, I haven't speared there though - too many boats & kite boards for my tastes.
Re. the float, as a shore-based spearo, I'm still attaching it to my gun, South African-style. I figure that's simpler & safer when you are starting out and you are less likely to loose your, no doubt much loved, new speargun. I notice a lot of the more experienced spearos connect to themselves, or to a weight/mini-anchor/reef-hook instead so that they can dive unencumbered by the float & float line. I don't dive real deep, so being disconnected from the floatline is not a big advantage &, as I usually dive alone, nobody is going to pull me up on a float line attached to my belt. My first speargun (an SA railgun) has a big game clip hanging from the handle for this purpose, and it was also the way suggested to me when I started - it worked well so I've stuck with it.
Yes, a dive flag on your float is a very good idea - although boats will not necessarily see it or understand it if they so see it. Holiday makers in dinghies or kayaks sometimes move towards the float to investigate rather than staying away; I usually point to the speargun or politely mention that I am carrying a loaded speargun - no need to be unpleasant. BTW if people express interest, show them your catch - it's good PR and interesting conversations often result.