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fish habits of N. california

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 21, 2008
I have been spearing and ab diving on the north coast of california for a little over a year now and think i have been fairly successful. i have gotten a few large lingcod, cabezon and tons of rockfish.
my question is could someone with some knowledge of the local fish species' habits, such as when they move closer into shore for spawning or feeding, what they are doing at different times of year, spawning, protecting eggs, following food or shelter.
i'm just trying to get some info on the habits of some of the local fish. I haven't seen a lingcod since the end of spring, i think in april. i shot a good sized sheephead in monterey a month ago and had never seen them there before.
just looking for other fisherman's knowledge of our local species
Maybe someone in the California & West Coast forum could help.
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