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Fish Of the Year

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Aug 3, 2006
The deeperblue staff are proud to announce the FISH OF THE YEAR prize for 2009

The lucky winner will not only win the highly sought after FOY 2009 Shield, hand Crafted by our very own OMD​


but will also win an OMER XXV 82 cm Speargun with Match reel, Spare Devoto inox shaft, mono and bungee. Donated by the Very generous Spaghetti​

foy gun.jpg

The FOY poll will be put up on the 5th of January 2010 and will run for 5 days to give everyone a chance to vote.​

Theres still 2 FOM's left before the end of the Year so Get your enteries in and
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Perfect sized gun for our seas & I am sure the winner will be very pleased to receive & test it?
Well if the weather stays the way it is the lucky winner wont be me.
But you never know just one really good flatfish might put me on the map and there’s still time for a miracle to happen.
Good luck all.:):)
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Is the FOY voted from the previous FOM winners or from the FOM entries?

Nice prize there - well done spaghetti :) and of course a nice trophy as always OMD!
Is the FOY voted from the previous FOM winners or from the FOM entries?

There will be a poll between the Fish of the Month winners, just like last year. But you all still have November and December to enter a fish and play your chance to be a FOM winner yourself...:)

The DB staff knows that the water might be a bit chilly these weeks. In facts the prizes were thrown in so to add some thrill to the chill...
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Just an idea, but how about next year trying to get a 'celeb' onboard to judge the FOY, maybe an approach to HFW... or that effing bloke? just to bring in some fresh interest and a different perspective..
Perhaps FOY could also be judged on how the fish was cooked ;) like spag says, something to add some thrill to the chill...
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