Regardindg another thread about a recent shark attack, while spearo had fish strung to his belt...I got around to thinking what the forums methods are?
I personally string fish on my belt, and after a few fish have been harvested, I swim over to the boat and ice'em. I never carry a half dead fish, I ike jime it and I quickly gut it (usually all in one motion:martialala Chuck N. taught me the way)...I've never had a shark attack, haraasment or otherwise (not counting a tiny moral eel incident-ay)...whats your views?
[EDIT] I also put an "other" if you vote that I'd like to know what your "other" is, hell we'd all like to knowrofl
I personally string fish on my belt, and after a few fish have been harvested, I swim over to the boat and ice'em. I never carry a half dead fish, I ike jime it and I quickly gut it (usually all in one motion:martialala Chuck N. taught me the way)...I've never had a shark attack, haraasment or otherwise (not counting a tiny moral eel incident-ay)...whats your views?
[EDIT] I also put an "other" if you vote that I'd like to know what your "other" is, hell we'd all like to knowrofl
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