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Flasher Floats

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Certified SCUBA Rider
May 7, 2002
Hi Guys

My home-made flasher float broke last week whilst swimming through some sizable surf, so i'm debating whether to fix or replace. for me the biggest hasstle has been the float unwinding when swimming in or out. i was at the dive factory today and i see they have the chicken floats priced pretty reasonably.
what are your thoughts on these floats. they look like a pleasure to wind up, but may cause a bit of drag, and i'm not sure how secure they are when wound up.
this is the float i'm taking about.




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Hi Griff ,
I know those are very popular back home , I find they snag on stuff and drag .
I use the canisters of 1000ft. parachute flares . Plenty of those for a skipper of nightdives ...
Has attachment points , the line wraps around it and can store smallish flashers inside ( buzzbombs , plastic reflectors , squid .
Give it a try .
Hey Griff. Give Aquiles a ring here. He had a really nice float based on a 12" round bouy that wound great and was a real treat to tow at the Keyz Kraze.

Howz it been Abri?

Originally posted by Abriapnea
I use the canisters of 1000ft. parachute flares . Plenty of those for a skipper of nightdives ...

Thanks Abri, but when i skipper, i dont usually end up calling in the NSRI :t . mind you, there was that time i forgot the pulg....:blackeye
thanks for the tip, will scratch around for some

Thanks Sven, Pm away.
Hi Sven , and all of you ...
Sorry I have been so quiet , (probably comes as a relief to you) ,
But my internet access has become rather restricted of late .
Never fear , arrangements are being made ...

Griff what about the new Ra Kamikaziee flasher Ive heard good reports about them over here, havent tried it personally in the water yet though.


Opps sorry I just realized you were talking about the Float thing not the flasher sorry


hi abri, i managed to source a canister like the type you are talking about but they are pretty rare now because they stopped making them. its a bomb float though.
when you deploy your flasher, is it always the same lenght? i'm looking to clip it off for different depths. any ideas?
thanks for the tips
to make adjustable flasher depth use a bungy loop as on the RA chicken float pity you cant see it in this pc on 1st post but it works good.
you just set flasher to depth with line then using line put a half hitch around leg of chicken float then strectch bungy over to stop it slipping off.
-Hope you can understand my description.
Regards peter:naughty
Griff , no ; you have to be able to adjust for varying depths of water as well as fish swimming depth preferences . Those canisters have little loops on the side ; I just cut into one and jam the line in at required depth .
Chicken float

Hey Griff

Chicken floats work really well. I can't flaw mine. You use the long leg of the chicken to tie the half hitch in the line on. The shock cord keeps the rest of the line in place. you set it where you want it. This weekend at Cape Vidal - St Lucia we set flashers up at about 7m being the limit of viz in 10 - 20m of water. It pulled in Snoek and a Sailie. The Snoek pulled off because i didnt let the gun go and the sailie.. tarrrah .....

I missed. I think the spear must have stopped short. He was too big to miss outright.

The best flasher i used by far was this weekend's one with a pink rubber squid and laminated fish. The Zambezi's ( bulls) loved it too though with three of them hitting it hard in turns towards the end of scene one while i was winding up and trying to chew my plastic laminated reflective fish off before shooting up to check out my fins. I decided to abandon the flasher and exit wings left to slow boat at rear. My buddy who had his face out the water whilst winding up went to retrieve the flasher not understanding why i left it behind and had a matrix moment..

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