Thank you for sharing Curt Bowen Kevin Sondey
Max 4000lumens, and 5 hours runtime, to support long time cave diving.
May order from local agents if you want to buy:
India divers: The Purple Octopus
UAE divers:
Georgia:Orcatorch Georgia
AUS: UW Images:
Technical diving places great demands onour dive equipment, with the possibility offailure as not acceptable or, at a minimum,manageable.
Underwater dive lights play a major role inall fields of technical, recreational andcommercial diving. Increased depthsaccompanied with poor visibility oroverhead environments often leave us inpitch blackness, where you will quickly findyour trusty dive light as a best friend.
Over the decades, underwater dive lightshave evolved from large Plexiglas styletubes with heavy battery packs strapped tothe divers sides with very limited burntimes and insufficient brightness to today'ssmall robust handheld or mini canisterstyle lights with amazing brightness andincredible burn times.