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Float line - does colour make a difference??

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I have a question on Technofloat - how is it possible to replace the plastic bag within the float - it has a hole in it...

I have a question on Technofloat - how is it possible to replace the plastic bag within the float - it has a hole in it...


i have a technofloat.

you can pull the inflatable bladder out through the bottom of the large main pouch, which is velcroed and opens (inside the main pouch).

to fix a hole in the bladder, look for stuff that specifically repairs vinyl swimming pool toys like beach balls (same as the bladder). i have seen it in my local hardware store. if you are unsure what to get bring the bladder with you to the store and ask someone. if it is a big hole you might need to use a patch as well (a piece of vinly).

if you can't find the hole then fully inflate it and use soapy water on the outside---the air moving out the hole will make small bubbles---keep re-inflating it so there is alot of air pressure and look carefully until you find the hole.

how did you puncture it? good luck with the reapairs.

vancouver, canada
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Reactions: ILDiver
I have 2 types one is blue and one is green depending on the viz level, both work great, better in different viz levels, green for green, blue for blue
I use the orange foam filled Rob Allen line like Bill for the first 50 feet from the float, when diving deeper I attach an additional 15 meters of the thinner green rope FL Freedivers) to it, it doesn't seem to drag as much but can wrap your leg/fin somewhat. Interesting Paddyc23 I never thought to match the rope to the water colour maybe there's something to that.
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Not at all, my gun is bright red, my float line is made from clear PVC tubing which reflects light like a mirror (and I'm a camo freak rofl) either the fish I shoot are daft or they don't give a damn
I'm told red looks black to most fish - so perhaps your rope looks "bright black" to them. You might have stumbled onto one of the best camo float line colours.

I tried several different float lines over the summer, including bright yellow braided polypopylene (around 5mm), 3-strand blue poly rope (6/7mm?) and camo 4mm parachute cord but ended up going back to my original, inexpensive Rob Allen Olive green polypropylene float line (would prob. be good as a kayak anchor rope too), which I now keep half coiled on a winder. [I originally ordered the hi-viz orange version, which they also sell, but glad now that they suggested olive.]

The para-cord & blue rope were too soft & tangly. I did not see/spear many fish while using the stiffer yellow poly and I got a feeling it made my presence made too obvious in the murkey green water, so I stopped using it. It certainly did not attract bass in for me. I also found it distracting (conversely, I have orange spearline now which I quite like, it tends to draw your eye along the barrel & have speared many fish since fitting it, many drawn in on aspetto - so not too foreboding for fish).

For shore diving, I'll stick with a drab coloured float line, used with a big, brightly coloured dive float for the boats to see. If you're diving from a boat though or in kelp with a float line but no float, I would certainly pay attention to Bill's advice (inc. having a bright coloured tip on your snorkel). Jimbo's combination of lines is interesting idea - but there is much to be said for simplicity too

Spaghetti, what size mono do you use? I found bright rope too obtrusive but I'd be concerned that fishing line would be near invisible & that it would be hard to untangle & prone to cut on rocks. (Foxfish, although I suggested washing line previously - I've yet to find one that I like, some have steel wire cores, others sink, etc. Perhaps not wanting to spend more than 99p on it has something to do with it).
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[I originally ordered the hi-viz orange version, which they also sell, but glad now that they suggested olive.]

Where do you but your Rob Allen floatline from? I'm toying with the idea of my wife's washing line. Its a nice emerald green.
I'm told red looks black to most fish - so perhaps your rope looks "bright black" to them. You might have stumbled onto one of the best camo float line colours.
You mean those fish can't see my beautiful gun??????? EEK!
Reactions: Mr. X
You mean those fish can't see my beautiful gun??????? EEK!
Ah, not so outlandish..."Crazy like a fox". Kudos.rofl
Where do you but your Rob Allen floatline from? I'm toying with the idea of my wife's washing line. Its a nice emerald green.
Unfortunately the guy I got mine from no longer sells Rob Allen gear. Washing line is fine, as long as it floats.
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I bought my line from B&Q they have clear, green, blue, yellow & red. The line is a plastic coated nylon core, come in 30mts lengths & cost a couple of quid.
Pastor can we see your red gun please.
Reactions: Mr. X
Some pictures in here M

The colour changes as you might expect as you go deeper. At 30ft it is a deep purple/brown very similar to the kelp, so I think since that what it looks like to us when the red component of light is removed then that's what in probably looks like to fish. They certainly don't seem to find it a problem either way (thank god!)
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I must say, you have one of the most beautiful guns i've ever seen!!!

Cheers, jmota.
Reactions: Pastor
Cheers Jmota I have to agree with you there, even as a gun maker myself I think it's a bit of a stunner. Daryl has just made a pink one for Rick's (his partner) good wife which is as equally stunning. I wonder how that would look underwater?
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