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Florida Keys report

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Wierd fish

New Member
Jan 30, 2003
Ledge in 30 feet.
Vis- about 40 feet
Islamorada, Florida, USA

I had my buddy in the boat, and I jumpes over the side. Right off the bat, I loaded the gun and swam to the bottom. I found a nice sized mutton snapper in the sand just off the ledge. Took a hellmary shot and missed.
Back up to the surface, I catch my breath. As I am waiting, I see a good size grouper sitting on a rock 10' away from the ledge. I breath up, and dive down. When I hit about 20', I glided down towards the rock, and took aim... The grouper gave up a little fight, and I had him in my hands. I tossed it in the boat, and went back out.

There was a very large horse shoe shaped sand spot in a part of the ledge. This is where I saw a grouper that would be pushing 30 lbs. The moment I saw him, he took off at a good pace upcurrent. I chaced him for about 50 yards, before I gave up and headed back to the cut in the ledge.

I swam over the sand spot, and didn't see anything. As I was just about to head down the ledge, I see another grouper sitting on top of the rock bottom very well blended with the rocks. I dove down again, and took aim and fired. I hit it right behind the gills. The shaft did not go all the way through. I was confused because I hit him in a soft spot from pretty close. He put up a good fight, and I finally grabed him in the gills. I threw him in the boat, and started to head in.

The shaft didn't go through the fish because it got stuck on a big glob of fishing line that was in the fish's belly.

Seas were pretty big, but I still had a good time.



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---Hot Diggity!
----------Impressive, Wierd fish!!!
I suggest you post the photo on the KK3 board, just to get the boys more amp'ed.
Nice work! And the speargun was what kind.....?
Its a 48" a b biller mahogany. It fits in with what I plan to use it for. I live in a area where the water is very dirty. I am thinking of converting to a bubble blower.

We'll see....
I was diving in 70fsw on Saturday off Ammerican Shoal, the vis was 2-3',BAD!!! Went into Looe Key, thinking at least my friends could have a good snorkle around,and the vis there was just as bad. Its been like this for four weeks down here in the Middle Keys, hope the gulfstream moves in quick, because when it's this bad the fish scence you way before you see the. And the fish down here are under so much pressure they show very little couriosity. Nice Blacks!
--- Hope the KK '03 Boys are taking note of this report, Keyspearfisher....maybe enter or forward it to them on that thread (?)
--and Paul, saw you placed the photo of your catch on that thread...nice goin'!
Be well, Dive safely!
Originally posted by OceanSwimmer
--- Hope the KK '03 Boys are taking note of this report, Keyspearfisher....OceanSwimmer

Why? Dont worry about that stuff. It is what it is when we get there. Gonna have a great time regardless.
Good reply!/Florida Keys Report

--- Great attitude, Rigdivr :) Way to be!
You are absolutely right-on.
Your group from DB here will be cheering you fellas on.
Have a wonderful time!
And take photos, especially the incriminating kind !
OS :)
Thanks OS...the way I see it is the weather, vis, temp, ect are just some of those things out of my control so it would be a waste of time and energy to stress out about them. Besides, there are so many great things to stress out about, like how to avoid Sven in a thong, excuses not to help wax Andy's bikini line, or how to take the kup from Dqban without totally scarring him for life.:king
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