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flying to Brazil next month

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
hey guys!

i'm Elize, French origin, but i live in UK
i'm basically a recreational SCUBA diver, and i have a real passion for it. i'm flying to Brazil next month, i'd love to know if there's anyone else who's flying over at the same time as me and where will you be staying at exactly?
i have reserved at a hotel, but want to make sure that i'll be close to an possible scuba diving partner.
oh and by the way, i have another issue, i had a real bad experience last time i went to a trip abroad, i fell real ill and it took so long to find a doctor who could treat me but i want to make sure i get it right this time. so i've researched private doctors and hospitals in Brazil but only came up with this pharmacy directory Distrito Federal Pharmacy Directory.
can anyone who's ever been to Brazil tell me if finding a doctor is a rather simple thing?

thanks people! looking forward to responses!


Elize, I just read your post now and I guess you are already back from your trip.
Tell us how was it? Did you get to dive?
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