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Foot Pockets

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dairyland diver
Apr 7, 2001
I am not sure if this thread would be better placed in the Freediving equipment section, but I have decided to post it here since it goes along with the fin line up thread.

Fred asked me to post some pictures of foot pockets. Here are the pockets that I compared: OMER, Spetton, Picasso, and Sporasub.
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I'll start with the OMER.

Here is a shot from the top.

I only have OMER foot pockets on my monofin, so the pictures aren't exactly the same as someone who has OMER pockets on their bI-fins.

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Here's a shot of the same foot pocket from the bottom.

You can see the detail work that Special Fins did when they mounted them onto the monofin. I have been very impressed with the quality of their bi-fins and monofins.

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Here's a shot from the side. I know that it doesn't show too much, but it was hard to hold up a monofin and try and get the picture at the same time. I had an easier time with the bi-fins when it came to the side shot.

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Next are my old Picasso Black Team's.

You can tell that you would have to do some drilling to get other blades to fit into these foot pockets because of the difference in hole patterns. These are a very stiff pocket and I really liked them, until I got spoiled by going to carbon fiber.;)

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Here's a shot of the Picasso from the bottom.

Both the OMER's and the Picasso's are 42-44. I can get a 3mm sock into the Picasso's and a 6mm sock into the OMER's.

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Next up are the Spetton's.

These pockets are sized a little differently than the rest of mine. These are a size 43-45. I only wear these with a 6mm sock on, and even then they are still a bit too loose.

These are my winter fins since I don't go deep, for me;) , in the winter time. Plus, I also want the warmest feet I can possibly have.

These pockets have a loose fit around the heel- like an Esclapez. My other foot pockets do a much better job of holding my heel in place.

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Here's a shot of the Spetton's form the bottom. You can see the size marked right on it. While they may fit a little bit on the loose side, my feet have never gotten cold in the winter time, even when ice diving, while wearing these fins, along with a 6mm OMER sock.

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Last up is my favorite- the Sporasub's.

These are simply the most comfortable footpockets that I have ever used. I have them on a couple pairs of my fins and I even bought an extra pair that I will keep in reserve in case I ever find another blade that can top my C4's.

These pockets just seem to hold tight in the right places and give where their supposed to.

When Ted switched his Specialfins to a Sporasub pockets, from the OMER's that they came with, they became a whole new set of fins.

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Here's a shot of the Sporasub's from the bottom.

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Here is one last shot of the fins from the side. They go, in order from left to right, Sporasub, Picasso, and Spetton. I couldn't get the OMER pocket into this shot since it was mounted on a monofin.

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