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For the dangerously thin among us . . .

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
O.K., so the fish all hid, the lobsters were too short and the oysters all had red tide. You're hungry and short on time and, worst of all, you burned up so many calories being unsuccessful that your hip bones are showing through your wetsuit!

Bacon/Leek Sandwiches

1-2 leeks/person
1 strip (rasher?) thick, apple-smoked bacon/person.
Fresh ground black pepper
salt to taste
Hot French rolls

Julienne the white and light green parts of the leeks. Julienne the bacon. Cook the bacon until done to your taste and set aside. Don't dump the bacon grease. Saute' the leeks in the bacon grease until soft then stir the bacon back in. Pour cream into the pan until the bottom of the pan is about 1/8" deep and cook over low heat until it thickens. Season to taste and serve on split rolls. Serve with strong ale.

Sara, stay away from this one, too. ;)
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Reactions: Mr. X
ooh you meanie rofl

I am on the gluten free and dairy diet again and have succumbed to Emma's marvellous but very healthy cooking. See a new me in about 6 weeks :D

Apple-smoked bacon? We dont get such luxuries here, the pork shop has loads of bacon but that seems to be a speciality.
Simple, but surely a very nice one. :p
Oh yes baby oooohhhhhh yes now you’re talking, a perfect low fat :) quick snack that’s right up my street.
Sarge if you ever think about adopting a son then I’m yer boy.:D
Yum! Sounds like your thread attracted all of us size 0 anorexics (ahem).

A snack cooked by a friend in a similar vein: oyster mushrooms, regular mushrooms, & onions, finely chopped & fried in olive oil & served on top of fresh bread (often french or italian but an English cottage loaf is wonderful if you can find one).
...thread attracted all of us size 0 anorexics (ahem)...
I see John Prescott has jumped on the anorexic/size-0 bandwagon:yack. Seems a tad little unlikely to me:

But there is hope for us all:

We can but aspire:D
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