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Found some regulations related to spearfishing in Cuba

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New Member
Jan 29, 2007
Hi all this is a continuation to an earlier thread that I have posted regarding the search for spearfishing regulations in Cuba. This is what I have found so far and my search is not over. I have discovered that there are many protected areas in Cuba, many sanctuaries etc... So just a reminder to those who actually do spearfish in Cuba to check these out. I am an avid big game bow hunter and also do spearfishing occasionally and try to respect regulations as much as I can and what I have found increases my scepticism regarding those who says that spearfishing is totally Ok in Cuba. I am not blasting nor criticising anybody, to each his own, but I just want to warn those who wants to abide by regulations.
So here's it is and I wil post more information if and when I
find them:-
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Interestingly when Fidel was a younger man he was an avid spearfisherman and actively encouraged it. One of the many 'supposed' CIA plots to assassinate Fidel involved placing exploding giant clams in areas where he was known to hunt.
Spearfishing in Cuba is not allowed but all my cuban friends have an annual/expensive/restricted licence... after about twelve spearfishing trips, I give up trying to understand the not saying in the cuban society. So Spearfishing on the place is not a hobby, but a clandestin activity only intended to improve the daily dietary. I would confirm that it does'nt prevent among some cubans passion and "ethical approach" in spearfishing. But basic cuban spearos are not very concerned by any ecological approach in spearfishing. The weight of the fish is the selection criteria.
Three basic sayngs in Cuba:
-It's forbidden! "esta prohibido"
-It's not possible! "non es posible"
-It's difficult! "es dificil"
So Spearfishing is a typical example: this activity is difficult because it is forbidden and it is not possible... why? It is not possible because it is difficult and it is forbidden...
Ressource for tourist? None. But in my opinion and with a bit of luck, you could get on the place some cuban friends who know a friend who knows a neighboring, his brother has a sister who knows a guy who knows a friend working in a resort who knows a colleague working on the beach who knows a friend renting catamaran and possibly doing SF...but there is doubt about it.
Diving centers? you have to tread very carefully++ when dealing womething about SF with us, because almost cert. divers working in diving centers use to do SF on the quiet.
Three basic sayngs in Cuba:
-It's forbidden! "esta prohibido"
-It's not possible! "non es posible"
-It's difficult! "es dificil"
So Spearfishing is a typical example: this activity is difficult because it is forbidden and it is not possible... why? It is not possible because it is difficult and it is forbidden...
Ressource for tourist? None. But in my opinion and with a bit of luck, you could get on the place some cuban friends who know a friend who knows a neighboring, his brother has a sister who knows a guy who knows a friend working in a resort who knows a colleague working on the beach who knows a friend renting catamaran and possibly doing SF...but there is doubt about it.
Diving centers? you have to tread very carefully++ when dealing womething about SF with us, because almost cert. divers working in diving centers use to do SF on the quiet.

Yep, exactly as I kind o guessed, not very clear, so take a chance/risk. Don't get caught, problem is if some kind of police want to make you life hard, they will.
I do have a "cuban buddy" who proposed to take me out SF next time I visit, I'd probably use their equipment as opposed to taking mine and get harrased at the airport or some kind of authority. But I like to be on the safe and legal side, specially when I'm leaving on vacation to have some peace of mind and good time.
Hi Papick,
if you plan to visit your friend:
do not take++ GPS, walkie talkie, cell phone, electronic fish finding device, compasse... or you will get a lot of problemo at the cuban custom.
Try to take one 120 cm gun with two 140 cm/7mm shafts in a "fishing bag" and your diving equipment in an other bag.
Take a set of little tools... It could be a great gift for your cuban colleague!
And good luck!
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