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Freedive-a-palooza 2011!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Will you be attending this years PALOOZA?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sounds good, count me in for a spot Scott. I'll be up Thursday. Hopefully I'll be starting that course on Thursday, just waiting to find out if there will be enough people signed up to get him up here.
Good News! The Class was moved to the Weekend!!! July 16th & 17th!! So, Those who work jobs with Weekends off and wanted to take the class, can sign up. But don't stall, spots may go quick!!!
I'm in for sure now, I filled in the sign up sheet, but it didn't prompt me for payment... anyone who has signed, up do they contact you, or can you explain how payment is sent?
I sent my deposit in for the class today, as Scott said on facebook you fill the form out and they will email you an invoice to pay via paypal.

Now I'm just hoping we get enough guys to sign up so the class actually goes on.
Boy You sure are making it hard to say no to the class, but 6 to 6 1/2 hour drive friday night, if I drove straight through, means wouldn't get there till 1 AM and then still got to get home. To much for this old man. Need multiple stops with 20 minute walking every two hours puts me in 2 AM. I personally just need 3or 4 month lead time to get time off. Summer break June 17 thru July 13 so all the full timers joslting for time off.
OMG Someone pleas end the constant debate that is raging in my head over this. First its Yes then its No then I launch another scheme to try and make it. Divorce on 8th do I spend the money? will I get another chance like this? probably not. Hmm I could sleep in bed of truck on way up that it'll help make it affordable. Do I dare call in Sick on Friday? but the boss knows where and why I want to go. Well I am about to attempt scheme 7b on Monday to try and make it. Will keep you informed. Perhaps I could get a small plane pilot who wants gas money so he can go fly. He could land on the road outside of Wazee. Wait can't afford that and really what are the chances even if I could? Would be nice if the internal debate would at least argue sensibly.
Lake Wazee does have it's own heli-pad if that helps.

Find someone with a float plane, just make sure he doesn't land on any dive flags

You stoned again?
Nope haven't had a drop. Only during vacations and long weekends out of town. I sometimes forget for a split second that I am not a filthy rich. On occasions I like to even day dream that I am rick. One of my favorites day dreams is to actually rent float planes and take all you guys, a chef, a camp butler along with a film crew and make a documentary in which we spear a couple of lakes in every state of the country. So be aware if I ever hit the lottery the trip is a go:friday
Reactions: Whopperhead
July 1st is the Cut off for the Class - If you haven't registered by then, no promises you will get in the class. Just for those teetering with the idea.
T-minus 6 days till the Palooza! The Freedive Class Registration was extended till the day of the class. Finalize your plans, get your gear ready - LETS DO THIS!
I sure hope this class fills up! Do you know how many people are signed up right now Scott, I know me and BigThreeForLife are, is anyone else?
Is the class a go yet? if not, id consider helping pay for some more of the expense to make it a GO.

Also, is there any power hookups at the campsites? Just wondering for charging stuff (gopro, phone, etc.).
The Class is A GO! I have power supply units that attach to the Car. I usually have to charge something at least once a day. Mostly my Video Camera.
I sure hope this class fills up! Do you know how many people are signed up right now Scott, I know me and BigThreeForLife are, is anyone else?

I know there are 4 FOR SURE - signed up for the Class. And 1 PENDING. It would be nice that everyone that SHOULD take a CLASS - takes advantage of this opportunity. Randy is signed up and a Guy I believe coming from Indiana.
the gavel fell on Friday and when I got home it was oh forgot to say this and that which I know hurt my position.

Buddy told me to hope for anyone but this judge as he described her as a "man hater" but knowing him I am hoping it was she did not like him.

Judge said she would mil decision. So unless I get the decision by Friday at 6 PM and the decision does not make me an endentured servant I wont be there. I already sent an email to Mark informing him that the odds are not in my favor and not to count on me but that there is a small remote chance I will attend.

If I am coming I will post here that I am coming by 6:30 PM as well as call whopperhead. If I do come will arrive early Sat morn will aim for 6:30 as wont be able to do entire drive on Friday night.

Lets all hope slimsteve does not become the homeless anorexicsteve.
Does anyone have the address for the campground? I'm coming up from Chicago and plan on being there around 10 or 11pm on Friday night. Does anyone know if it will be a problem getting into the campground this late? I have to work Friday, may try to leave early, but can't guarantee anything.

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Weather Forecast for Wazee this Weekend is:

Friday - 30% chance of Rain,

Saturday - chance of rain (early) but Partly sunny...

Sunday - Sunny

I will be up there with the Family as of Thursday - Setting up the Canopy and maybe do some hiking/Kayaking.

See You guys there!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately you'll have to count me out. Gavel fell and bonked me on the head. 4 years of ouchimony and a small chunk of cash. The fact we had credit card in separate names saved my butt.
Dive weekends most likely on hold till can figure out how to make new budget work.
Note to self: Never say "I do", odds it'll end in divorce.
Note to self: Never move a lady in without having a signed rental agreement to avoid common law marriage from being invoked.
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