I was trying to track down a boat in Lake Geneva to get us out to deeper water, with some surface cover, and only found one charter boat operating- 15 years ago there were at LEAST 3.
Anyway, I mentioned to the store manager that we wanted to rent it to freedive off of and she said "no way, we don't have anything to do with freedivers".:head I then mentioned to her that her group has come out on our boat in LAke Michigan and I have freedove with them on the wrecks and her opinion started to change.
I am not sure about a final cost yet, but they get $55 a head for a two tank dive. What that translates to freediving I am not sure?
If we could get a flat boat rate and get 6-10 of us on there once a month i think that would be ideal- seems to be central location and all.
Another option is to go out on Lake Michgian as a group on a boat that I might know of.
Actually, Jitka would be our captain and we could pick and choose our depth- or wreck for that matter. Prices would be significantly less, but the weather is more unpredictable- waves are blowing over the break wall as I write this. I would want everyone on board to be able to do at least a 20 meter dive to do this option.
The main thing is to try and get together once, or twice, a month. If we start hitting deeper depths I have some ideas on how I want to upgrade my counter balance system for more rapid retrievals from greater depths.
Email me if you want to be on a list for something like this- so I know how many divers were talking about.
BTW: We will also need a snappier name than Salt Free- sorry Sam. :chatup