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Freedive sale

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New Member
Aug 31, 2009
Hi Guys,

Badly injured my shoulder which has put me out of the water for a very long time therefore am doing a sale of some of my gear. On offer I have:

F10 Aeris freediving computer still in box - €300
Waterways Glide 290mm footpocket stiffness level 4 - €300 only used for 30mins in one pool session
Cressi Minima balck mask - €20
Trygon nose clip - €40
Yingfa - brand new Jammers still in pack size 32-34 waist- €30

This doesnt include delivery costs which I will have to work out separately. If interested let me know.

Hope you heal well and fast and can return to the water eventually.
What-on-Earth did you do to yourself?
Sorry to hear about the injury, Rory, but do not get rid of your precious equipment too quick! You do not need the shoulder much for proper freediving, and I am sure you'll come back to the sport soon again. We have a 70 years old guy in our club, who had a serious surgery on his shoulder this September, and he can't wait getting back to the pool soon - he'll start training with us again in a few weeks. I am sure that the physical activity will have a positive effect on the healing.

So keep up your spirits high, recover fast, and better keep your equipment
Hi Rory, all the best from me as well, but if you should still be interested in selling I've got a question concerning the footsize: 290mm is exactly the length of my foot – would your Glide Fin then fit me perfectly resp. how long is your foot?
Sorry to hear this. I have send you a private message. I would like to buy your trygon noseclip.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the nice messages. Torn my supraspinatus tendon which wasnt diagnosed straight away. I then ignorantly tried to continue diving. Steamlining for an hour and a half was killing me and after several weeks had an MRI to confirm the above along with bursitis which is really impinging my movement. So at the moment I am trying to keep the shoulder active to avoid frozen shoulder and will get it assessed again in a few weeks. Hoping to avoid surgery, regardless the rehab will be awhile.

Don't worry Ivo still keen on diving and am keeping some gear. I went abit crazy previously and got abit too much to start off with!

Take it easy
Hi Stefan,

My foot size is UK 9 - 9.5 and the 290mm fits me perfectly. Like any good fin you will only get about 30mins of swimming with it the first few times until your foot gets used to it. You want the fin to fit snug to compliment and make sure you are getting the most out of your kick.

Will it fit you exactly unfortunately I can't give you the answer to that. All I can suggest is if you have the option try a fin on and see how it fits. Freediving particularly Monofin tradeshows in pools throughout the World would be ideal and answer alot of questions about buying monofins online.

Hi Guys,

Quick update the nose clip is gone.
The Aeris F10 is now €230 this includes an additional battery and strap.

Hi Rory sorry to hear of the injury. Put me down for the minima and the jammers. I will be at the National aquatic centre on the 8th Jan or we can arrange postage. There will be 10 other freedivers there on the day so you might sell off the others.
No worries Feargus I have sent you a pvt message giving options about delivery.
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