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Freediving 101

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Oct 10, 2002
There is an enormous amount of information on this site, but lots of it is rather beyond my level of understanding. Is there a good book I could get that would teach me the basics so that I could understand some of the more advanced discussions on this forum?

I would be very grateful for any recommendations

Many thanks

The only book I know is "Corso di apnea" by Umberto Pelizzari and Stephano Tovaglieri... you can purchase it via Bol Italy

Does that book come in English?
How can someone order it?

i´ve been looking for freediving specific books for ages but haven´t found anything really.

then i was introduced to deeperblue.net and now i don´t really need anything else.

the amount of information and resulting discussions of personal experiences is so imense i never get bored.

so far this website is the only justification for me having internet access.

i deeply thank everybody in making this possible.


Old threads

Check out an old thread entitled "Best Freediving Book?" in the General Freediving Forum. You'll have to search for it using the search function in the menu bar as I believe it is quite old. You will find some good recommendations there.

Also check out past DB articles - usually short and informative - you can make your own book from some of those basic articles on safety, equimpment, and training.

I started with a basic understanding of logic and a book called "Freedive" by Terry Maas. It will introduce you to the basics of freediving. You can get it through Trident Diving in california, USA.

By logic, I mean, stuff that just made sense:

Moving underwater causes oxygen use

Hyperventilation makes me dizzy so it can't be good for holding my breath

smoking should be avioded

learn safety before, not after...although I didn't follow this one to the letter

Mask clearing causes me to use oxygen so poke a hole in both lenses

Just kidding on the last one. Best advice....take this stuff seriously. If you have a non-chalant attitued concerning this you are endangering yourself and possibly others. There is a time for seriousness and a time for play. Learn that time.

Good luck

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