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Freediving And Aging

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New-born freediver
Aug 1, 2003
Any thoughts/intuitions/opinions about this?
Does all the free radicals and apnea training-suffering accelerate our aging proccess?
When I train apnea walking or CO2 dry static tables, all I can hear is my body telling me to stop and protesting!

On the other hand, when I do wet training of any kind, dynamic, no fins, statics... is the other way: I feel good, relaxed,
tuned mind and body...
Needless to say, at the sea it's always a great pleasure, not even a drop of suffering.

Anybody feel this difference too?

BTW, any positive experience with antioxidants?
Free radicals is one of the two main reasons we age and die as far as I know.
But I think that if we compensate our activity with anti-oxidants, and try not to overtrain, we should be ok.
I didn't hear that the Ama divers in Japan suffer such problems, and since they probably eat sea food which is rich in anti-oxidants anyway, it might be the reason.

Conclusion: if you wanna live long, take your spear down with you.
Or take supplements.

In periods when I dive or train I take multivitamins, reason is that many vitamins are anti-oxidants. Positive expiriences? no, can't really tell the difference if I took my vitamins today or not.
I'm hoping for a difference in the long run (cheating senility for another year or two).
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Cardio exercise creates lots of free radicals, and yet scientists know for certain that cardio exercise increases your expected life span.

Any exercise which creates stress or free radicals causes your body to compensate by increasing the production of natural antioxidants (SOD, glutathione, etc..), which makes you healthier.

Low O2 to the brain increases microcapillaries to the brain, improving blood flow and improving brain oxygenation, both of which will help in old age.

I'd say that if done properly, without over-training, apnea/freediving training will help you live longer.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
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