The article, "Dying for Air" has already started limiting access of freedivers to public pools. My pool closed all apnea practice today, after the supervisor read the article. This has the potential to affect many of us, not just me. I will begin working with the County Supervisors on some education and apnea practice protocols as soon as I can get organized.
I need some help with facts. If you know the answers to any of these questions, please post or pm me.
Has there ever been a fatality or serious injury in a supervised competition (not including no limits)? If so, how many and what were the circumstances? Where can I get some details?
Same question for properly supervised apnea practice of any kind.
How many apnea competitions are held every year, world wide? Ball park will do fine.
How many apnea practitioners are there, spearos and non-spearos separately? Wild ball park will do fine. Source of the estimate?
How many apnea clubs are there? Again, source?
Does any apnea organization have a written safety protocol or something similar? Where can I get a copy?
Does any other pool or government organization have any official position or written rules on apnea practice? Where can I get copies? I've already PMed Alun to get the British material.
I'm planning to put together a written argument supporting supervised apnea practice in public pools. I'll post it when done. The general idea will be to educate on apnea in general, concentrate on the excellent safety record, point out the weak points in the article, and provide the ground work to develop some sort of official policy. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I need some help with facts. If you know the answers to any of these questions, please post or pm me.
Has there ever been a fatality or serious injury in a supervised competition (not including no limits)? If so, how many and what were the circumstances? Where can I get some details?
Same question for properly supervised apnea practice of any kind.
How many apnea competitions are held every year, world wide? Ball park will do fine.
How many apnea practitioners are there, spearos and non-spearos separately? Wild ball park will do fine. Source of the estimate?
How many apnea clubs are there? Again, source?
Does any apnea organization have a written safety protocol or something similar? Where can I get a copy?
Does any other pool or government organization have any official position or written rules on apnea practice? Where can I get copies? I've already PMed Alun to get the British material.
I'm planning to put together a written argument supporting supervised apnea practice in public pools. I'll post it when done. The general idea will be to educate on apnea in general, concentrate on the excellent safety record, point out the weak points in the article, and provide the ground work to develop some sort of official policy. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
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