I have a few years experience freediving to 40m. It's become habit for me to equalize at pretty shallow depth, just 2-3 meters swimming in the pool. But, on three occasions I've jumped from cliffs into water and really hurt my ears because I didn't equalize during the plunge.
This weekend I jumped from 8 meters and plunged below 3 meters. When I came up I was all disoriented, dizzy, couldn't walk straight for a good 30 seconds. I went back to fine until we started changing elevation and then I got huge pressure in my ears. Blowing my nose produced painful squeaking on the inside. It took several hours of relaxation before the discomfort went away, but still 2 days later I can still feel a slight clog, almost like water in my ear but not quite.
Anyone have any idea what is happening to me? How I can ease the pain quicker in the future? Thanks!
This weekend I jumped from 8 meters and plunged below 3 meters. When I came up I was all disoriented, dizzy, couldn't walk straight for a good 30 seconds. I went back to fine until we started changing elevation and then I got huge pressure in my ears. Blowing my nose produced painful squeaking on the inside. It took several hours of relaxation before the discomfort went away, but still 2 days later I can still feel a slight clog, almost like water in my ear but not quite.
Anyone have any idea what is happening to me? How I can ease the pain quicker in the future? Thanks!