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Freediving computer

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Active Member
Dec 6, 2009
Hello, I would like to get some information about choosing a freediving/spearfishing computer.

I'm looking for economic price computer, which will complete my simple requirements such as, surface time after dive which can be seen clearly, maybe if there's a possibility a soundible alarm of surface time, then diving I would like to see depth, time, and number of the dive. These basic functions is need. I don't need history of the dives.

Well at this time my eyes are kept on Oceanic Geo computer, maybe someone can write about it, what exactly it shows then you dive, then you're on the surface and so on. Thanks.

P. S. sorry for poor english.
Well these two are nice, but price for them are quite high. I can get Oceanic geo for about 200$, so pay aproximentaly 440$ for Suunto D4 it's too much for me, and for Suunto battery is not user replacable.
If there's something cheaper than 200$, let me know and I'll buy it!
Well yes, there's the true, but then I don't need history and so on, why pay a big price.
It's just there is nothing with the features you want for the price you want to pay. The features you want are almost a necessity for a freediver. Other than wearing a watch and an analog depth gauge and pushing the stopwatch at the surface, I haven't found anything that does these things for cheap. Even then, a good dive watch and an analog depth gauge will be a few hundred dollars. My IMMERSION Prowler is wonderful but cost about 400$ if I recall. So was my SUUNTO Mosquito, but it cost big too.

Best wishes,

Well my few friends have Immersion Prowler, and well if I'm not mistaken the features are the same as Oceanic Geo, well the features what I need. And biggest minus for Prowler is the small number of seconds.
I agree that the display is not what it should be... clearly designed with SCUBA divers in mind. SUUNTO would be a better option for the price.
Hi Evalduxx,

The only way you're going to get a computer at your price point is on eBay. I've seen good used ones go at <$100, but you'll have to be patient & look for a good item without a lot of bidding interest.

There are some watches than will do what you want too, at a better price than the Prowler or Dive Master. For example, there's a watch by Citizen that's out of production now, but still readily available on eBay for <$200 called the Aqualand II (model JP1010, movement C500) You can download the instruction manual for this & other Citizen dive watches from their website.
Hey there, sorry this isn't a reply to your question evalduxx, I'm in the same sort of situation as you but I'm looking for fewer features.
I didn't think it would be worth starting a new thread considering this one seems to be along the same lines as my query

I'm basically looking for some sort of electronic device which will show the depth I'm diving to.
I don't need the surface time after dive, or an alarm or even the time or logs etc etc. I basically just want to know how deep I'm diving without having to find a long piece of string

However cool the recommended watches look, I don't have the money for anything like that
I was hoping there would be some sort of simple device which could just specify the depth I'm diving to.
I'd appreciate it if anyone who knew which device could help me, would please recommend it here.

Thank you !
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An used Suunto D3 would be pretty good I think, like this one on E-Bay:

[ame=http://cgi.ebay.com/SUUNTO-D3-DIVE-COMPUTER-ORANGE-W-INTERFACE-SW_W0QQitemZ160403950584QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2558d20bf8#ht_2101wt_1167]SUUNTO D3 DIVE COMPUTER (ORANGE) W/ INTERFACE & SW - eBay (item 160403950584 end time Feb-19-10 09:18:19 PST)[/ame]

I wouldn't recommend the Immersion Prowler, a buddy had one and it only recorded his dive half the time. So, he'd come up from the dive, look at the watch and realize it never even began recording dive depth or time.
My 1st Prowler malfunctioned- warranty replaced it immediately and this one's perfect.
try a used mosquito! I love mine, more than more expensive gadgets i have recently bought. Only samples evey 2 seconds, but if you just hang around for a little it will read just fine mine cost 250 with cable 2 years ago, i have since seen cheaper. I hardly ever use the cable and wouldn't bother with it again. Oh, also does scuba too!
erdoom has the right idea. One way to make it cheaper is to go by several dive shops and see if they have a used gauge that used to fit in a scuba gauge harness. They often have extras, it will be cheap and you can by a wrist mount holster that will hold it perfectly. A bit big, but does what you want. I had one like that for a long time, think I payed a total of $35 US.


Thanks a lot erdooom (and Connor)

I spearfish and I would just like to know the depths I reach when I do it. I have to judge everything by sight and it's annoying because I'd like to know facts and real numbers lol. I'm still an amateur but I would like to take things further and I am looking into starting some free diving courses this summer.

Could you explain why surface time is an important feature to have when free diving ?

Thanks again.
The best thing about a freediving computer is surface interval, especially for spearos. The temptation is to go back down as soon as possible and too many spearos go too quick, before they have fully recovered. You may feel ready, and feel like enough time has passed, but with no timer and the urge to get that fish, its all very deceptive. Going too quick, especially on multiple dives, can lead to the kind of problems that can kill you(almost personal experience), like BO.

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well resting and ventilation before the next dive is crucial. I have no idea how deep you dive, but I assume its more then 20 feet since you are interested in a gauge. To know why its important do a course, sorry but its to much to explain in a forum and would be irresponsible of me. :naughty
Ah I see, well I don't dive too deep, I'd be able to give you an exact depth if I knew it But I doubt it's much over 10 metres.

I don't push myself too much either, and I do rest between the dives.

If I start taking things more seriously and start diving to deeper depths then I'll be sure to be aware of my surface time.

Thanks for the info
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