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Freediving documentary on The Discovery Channel

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Tommy Engfors

New Member
Jul 29, 2003
Just thought I'd share this you. They have been running this documentary about freediving on Discovery.

I am not sure if everyone in Europe gets the same programs, but if that is the case then you might be interested in checking the tv-tables out for the next few days. I missed part of the documentary (which they aired a few days ago) but I know they keep running the same things over and over again for several weeks so I am sure this documentary will be showed a few more times.

A large part of it is devoted to freediver Umberto and his 130 meter no-limit attempt. They also did a couple of medical tests and interviewed him about freediving in general. It was interesting to watch.
Reactions: Pezman
Do you know the name of it by chance? I've looked at the schedule through monday and can't find anything on it. All I get are those annoying american chopper , monster house and do it yourself shows. I'm so sick of people trading rooms and decorating them.:yack
Maybe we don't get the same programing here in the U.S.:waterwork
Thanks for the info man!

When writing my post, I didn't realise how localized they have made Discovery. I have been surfing their website for some 20 minutes now, looking for that documentary. There is a separate tv-table for some 15+ countries. The shows we get in Sweden is nothing like the stuff you get in the U.S. In particular we don't get those annoying "redo your home" shows (which I am happy for!).

The documentary was titled "The Ultimate Freediver" (Umberto held a few records back then).
I guess a lot of Americans aren't interested in freediving so discovery doesn't air programs like that here.
It seems those diy shows have taken over tv in general. I can scarcley turn on the tv without seeing, "trading spaces" or "room by room" or some other over done show. I miss seeing Manny Puig in extreme encounters on amimal planet. They should rename that chanel "The plantet's funniest animals channel." Because that's all that's on anymore.
But you tried Tommy and I appreciate it.
P.S. I'm moving to Sweden
I hesitated quite a bit about wether I should post this or not.

They are running the documentary again (ran it twice today). This time on the Travel & Adventure channel (one of the many Discovery channels). Discovery has a huge website on Discovery.com with links to all local countries. If you get the T&A channel, then maybe you can see it. If you live in Sweden you can for sure. In any case, the tv-tables (for different countries) are available on their website.

What made me hesitate about posting, was the fact that I searched their schedules for the next few days and could not find the documentary again. Very frustrating. I don't think they ran it for today only, but who knows. Anyway, just wanted you guys to know... just don't hold your breath (pun) if you don't find it. There seems to be no real system in the way they air their programs.
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