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Freediving in Chile - contacts?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2005
A quick note to ask if anyone is freediving in Chile. I will be passing that way soon enough and would very much appreciate some info on good sites etc...

Thanks, Oli.

I am a chilean freediver...........if you want to contact me just send me a private mesage.

My favorite spots is Zapallar, just 2 hours from santiago, in winter yau have good visibiliti, and the locals fshermans rents his boats.


If anyone has any contact especially around the Santiago area that would be very useful indeed, any info on when the best time to go, what sort of wildlife to expect and where to stay would be great.

Ever hopeful that the people who posted hear earlier (2005!) are still contactable etc


Wally (a woman is involved in this one fellas so please 'elp me out)
Wally (a woman is involved in this one fellas so please 'elp me out)
Well, I know nothing about Chile, but if you need to help with the woman, just post her phone or email (and photo) here, and I am sure there will be more than one fella wanting to help you out with her
Hi Wally,

Yep, I'm 5 hours from Santiago - in Coquimbo / La Serena. Give me a ring on 051 493164 if you're interested in meeting up. No advice on the woman front though!!!! Best of luck in both areas,


Hi, I freedive and spearfish in Quintay. I am quite new to the sport, but am getting better. SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE IF YOU WANT TO DIVE IN QUINTAY ONE WEEKEND. I go from the beach/rocks. Good vis, 8M bottom.
Cheers, Simon
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