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freediving in Roatan any useful info welcomed

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Andrew the fish

Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
I will be there for 10 days in late January. I wonder if there are any freedivers outthere, or friendly scuba outfit that I could go out to sea with.
I was in Roatan about 8 years ago. Coco View Resort was pretty flexible. They would take us out on a scuba dive and then drop you off on the reef on the way in for the second dive. You could dive the 150 meters or so back to the cut that goes into the resort. Nice walls. I would dive it alone if no one else was free diving. And there was a guy on the boat who always dove solo on the way home. They seemed flexible. Not sure about spearing fish though but I saw the biggest cubera of my life there. Must have been 100 lbs.
hank, I think Roatan is protected, no spearfishing. But then, if someone knows better please correct me.
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