Freediving will be an olympic category 2016
This is what I have heard from a contact on the Aidaboard. CMAS have evidently been having secret negotiations with the Olympic committe ever since 2001 and it seems like the OC has shown intrest in accepting freediving as a category in 2016 years olympics. But they are intrested in dynamic and depth, not the jump blue.
CMAS has been forced to talk Aida since most depth champions in the world are loyal to Aida. Many long talks in Laussane and Milano between representatives between each board has lead to a preliminary agreement. (The aidoaboard not bothering to ask the assembly - but that is not surprising).
The idea is, and this is mostly hearsay, no definite details yet: CMAS/AIDA will organize a joint competition in CWT in the 2016
olympics. CMAS will do the DYN by themselves. But in order to let Aidainto the deal, CMAS have been granted the exclusive rights to organize all future DYN world championships starting already 2009. A sacrifice
the aida representatives seem ready to accept.
Of some strange reason the OC and CMAS have been sketching on a bifins only competition. Why this is I dont know, maybe an idea that it will limit the depth.
This seems totally stupid to me. CMAS will through controlling the WC dyn move into Aida domain and by 2016 they will cut loose from Aida and do the CWT themselves, as CMAS by then most probably will be
accepted by the athletes by then.
I guess this will be official any day soon.
EDIT: Yes, this was an aprils fool joke. If we want to make this sport grow it is all in our own hands, or rather the Aidacommunity and the selected board.
This is what I have heard from a contact on the Aidaboard. CMAS have evidently been having secret negotiations with the Olympic committe ever since 2001 and it seems like the OC has shown intrest in accepting freediving as a category in 2016 years olympics. But they are intrested in dynamic and depth, not the jump blue.
CMAS has been forced to talk Aida since most depth champions in the world are loyal to Aida. Many long talks in Laussane and Milano between representatives between each board has lead to a preliminary agreement. (The aidoaboard not bothering to ask the assembly - but that is not surprising).
The idea is, and this is mostly hearsay, no definite details yet: CMAS/AIDA will organize a joint competition in CWT in the 2016
olympics. CMAS will do the DYN by themselves. But in order to let Aidainto the deal, CMAS have been granted the exclusive rights to organize all future DYN world championships starting already 2009. A sacrifice
the aida representatives seem ready to accept.
Of some strange reason the OC and CMAS have been sketching on a bifins only competition. Why this is I dont know, maybe an idea that it will limit the depth.
This seems totally stupid to me. CMAS will through controlling the WC dyn move into Aida domain and by 2016 they will cut loose from Aida and do the CWT themselves, as CMAS by then most probably will be
accepted by the athletes by then.
I guess this will be official any day soon.
EDIT: Yes, this was an aprils fool joke. If we want to make this sport grow it is all in our own hands, or rather the Aidacommunity and the selected board.
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