Hi all,
Frustrated with the growing bookmarks db in my work computer I started compiling this list of interesting (and some bordering on interesting) freediving links.
This is the result of one day of "harvesting". I just thought I might share it with you if someone else will find it useful.
And also I submitted it here so you can contribute to it. So please list your favorite links that are missing or flame me for giving such a sucky rating for your club's pages or what ever.
Freediving links
Frustrated with the growing bookmarks db in my work computer I started compiling this list of interesting (and some bordering on interesting) freediving links.
This is the result of one day of "harvesting". I just thought I might share it with you if someone else will find it useful.
And also I submitted it here so you can contribute to it. So please list your favorite links that are missing or flame me for giving such a sucky rating for your club's pages or what ever.
Freediving links