So, no big plans for the weekend, and had some great weather speculated by the weathernetwork, so off I go to do some diving
There are two local lakes I’ve been meaning to dive for some time now and never got around to it. So today, I packed up my hit and headed east, for Eaglet and Hansard lake. Both of these lakes have excellent reputation with the locals for hold many, and very large Burbot, the only edible (legal) species a freshwater Spearo in British Columbia can target. the drive out is a 2 lane blacktop, that winds it's way through the fraiser river valley, alongside the railroad tracks, great fun if you like to drive fast
both lakes were a bust, the ice was off, but turnover must be in full swing as they were stained a dark tea-brown. will have to come back later in the season and see if they clear up. did a big loop (250kms) on the bushroads and did some wildlife viewing (AKA Bear Hunting ), pics are below!
There are two local lakes I’ve been meaning to dive for some time now and never got around to it. So today, I packed up my hit and headed east, for Eaglet and Hansard lake. Both of these lakes have excellent reputation with the locals for hold many, and very large Burbot, the only edible (legal) species a freshwater Spearo in British Columbia can target. the drive out is a 2 lane blacktop, that winds it's way through the fraiser river valley, alongside the railroad tracks, great fun if you like to drive fast
both lakes were a bust, the ice was off, but turnover must be in full swing as they were stained a dark tea-brown. will have to come back later in the season and see if they clear up. did a big loop (250kms) on the bushroads and did some wildlife viewing (AKA Bear Hunting