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Freediving Movie, needs Loaner monofin

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
Hello all,

My name is Justin Williford, and I am a Actor/animator from Colorado. I am living in San Diego right now and working with a good friend of mine(Sky Christopherson) on an Independent Short film about freediving. Here is the site www.gmwmovie.com

Don't worry, we are working very hard to show freediving in a good light and are getting away from the danger seeker Idea that most films have pegged freediving with. We are working in very closely with Krik Krack and have been doing our best to make this film as realistic as possible. It is a narrative film, so the story is fictious, but the depiction of freediving is going to be as accurate as we can make it.

That being said, we are still in the preproduction phase of the film and we are still scraping together our props. We are working on basically No budget, we are just paying the crew with, copy, credit, and meals. But we are still looking for a Monofin to fit me. I unfortunately have big feet, I wear size 13us or 48eur. I am posting to see if there is anyone that may be able to help our production. If there is anyone that could loan us a fin for the duration of the shoot, which would be about a month, we could pay for shipping and we would send it back to you after we are done.

Please check out our website if you are interested at all in helping us. Our contact info and email are on the site. www.gmwmovie.com

Thanks for your time. You guys run a great forum and Site.

I see Lisa Gerrard on the roster: awesome!
My mono wouldn't fit, or I'd send it.
Erik Y.
Try emailing Jyri at special fins - he may be able to help you out?

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Reactions: Jyri
Looking forward to watching this movie.. says it's coming out this June? Great site too.
Good luck finding your monofin :D (agreed re: lisa gerrard too)

I'm sure we can help. Drop me an email or PM (both details are available in my profile) and we can talk more about it.

Just bumping this thread as I'm still looking forward to any updates....
you shameless thread-bumper, you. I'm back from the PFI course, all y'all.
Do you think you need a monofin with that feet ??? :)

I'll be waiting !
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