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Freediving wetsuit: Elios or Molchanovs?

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A wee bit moist

Active Member
May 28, 2015
Hi, is there anybody around who has experience with wetsuits from both Elios and Mochanovs? I'd be interested in any difference between the products of these two companies.

In particular: Which of the two companies does a better job in producing a cut that fits, based on the set of measurements that each company asks for made-to-measure suits? Is one of the two aiming for atighter or loser fit than the other?

Thank you very much in advance for any advice you can give me!
I don't know Molchanovs, but Elios fit like a glove if you take your measurements accurate.
Hey! Molchanov do not sew any costumes themselves. It's just a brand, they used to make Oceaner suits for them, now they make Aqua discovery (aquasub.com). I don't see any point in ordering a Molchanovs suit. Elios is an atelier that has been making their own suits for a long time and they have a huge selection of neoprene brands.
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Thank you very much, Octopus! This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I was only wondering if the high price tag that Molchanovs attaches to its suits might be justified because of a special focus on quality that they impose on their manufacturers. If nothing is known to that regard, and the price tag might be related just to brand marketing, I'll stay with Elios, of course.
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