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Question Freediving when overweight?

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New Member
Jun 4, 2022
Hi Everyone,

So I've been a scuba diver for a while and I'm about to start my fivemaster training (going the instructor route). However I am super interested in also getting into recreational freediving on the side.

The thing is, I am overweight. I'm female, 5'7 and 220lbs and I have been continuously losing weight for several months now (almost a year). I feel a big difference in my scuba performance compared to before, but I am wondering whether I need to wait until I'm at a normal weight before going for freediving.

I do exercise almost every day and I walk plenty, so I can't say I'm not active but I feel like my first dive would be bad, like I won't be able to hold my breath enough, or the instructor will say im too overweight, or I won't be able to dive (if I'm too floaty).

I just don't feel confident but at the same time I'm super excited to get to try it. I feel anxious about my body but also as someone close to becoming a scuba instructor, I know I wouldn't judge anyone by that, so it's very confusing.

Thank you for any advice or help!
Assuming you are otherwise heathy, being overweight is not much of an issue for normal freediving depths, say down to 30 m. The extra mass slows you down some and you will probably need a bit more lead, but you will stay warmer with less wetsuit (I can only wish).

Go for it and good luck!.
Hi 'Gabbym9903'

I know an AIDA instructor maybe 6 inches taller and maybe weighs a bit more
For ‘recreational freediving’ you should limit your depth between 30 and 50 ft

Your weight belt should be adjusted on these way.
Totalement équipé, vertical à la surface, sans bouger, lorsque vous expirez, votre bouche doit rester au-dessus de la surface.

Good luck and don't practice alone
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