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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Nov 8, 2010
i will be from the 26th of November on Bali and like to meet up with somebody who is interested in Freediving out there..
hi yuma, i live in bali and very interested in freediving.. still, i'm just a beginner and cant help much if you want to do some serious diving.. or, you could contact mike in gili trawangan, lombok.. he teaches freediving there..
Hi there,
My name is Matt and I'm living in the North East of Bali in Amed, it's beautiful and quiet and there's deep walls without currents right off the beach. I go out most days and I'll be happy to train with both of you. I have buoys, weights lines etc.
081338301158 give a call, when you get a chance.
Hi Matt,
I'm Meirza. I live in kuta but i often go to amed.. I'll let you know my next trip out.. how's the weather been there by the why??
Hey guys! I wasn't aware that there are freedivers out there in Bali! And good spots, too!
Maybe we can organise a bit of an event out there!

Greetings from Phuket :wave
Hi everyone! I'm Dini, also live in Bali. Still a newbie freediver but would love to train more. So count me in
Hi there,
Weather is pretty crap at the moment in Amed, rainy with bad viz, but it’s still wet underwater so all good. Meirza and Dini just call when you to come out this way, if I’m busy you can borrow my lines etc, otherwise we’ll train together, with great pleasure.

Hi Sanso,(this is probably not a good place to admit this,) but personally I am not really interested in any aspects of competitive free-diving but I’m sure there are more free-divers out here who are, for example Mike Board in the Gilis. If I hear of any others interested in competing I’ll happily put them in touch.

Happy Crimbo
... competitive free-diving but I’m sure there are more free-divers out here who are, for example Mike Board in the Gilis. If I hear of any others interested in competing I’ll happily put them in touch.
Oh, I wasn't thinking of a competition - even though that might also be an option - but more of a big freediving-get-together Where we all meet up and go diving for a week or a weekend or so.
I have had a couple of those when lived in Germany and they're great fun! :friday
That's a lot more up my street than a comp, sounds great, let me know when you plan on doing it, I'm always up for getting wet, though that said today conditions were once again bloody miserable, looked like the north sea..
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