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Frenzel technique

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New Member
Feb 28, 2005
I have been practicing this technique (which I though I knew but turns out it was actually Valsalva). I think I've got it right now but is there a way to make sure that I actually have the epliglottis closed? I tried doing it with empty lungs and it still seems to work but I still feel my diaphragm working really hard. My second quesiton is: do you notice that frenzel is a lot less oxygen efficient than Valsalva? It seems like I cannot hold my breath as long when I attempt frenzel because it takes more effort (body contraptions). I just want to know if everyone is experiencing the same or if I am just doing something wrong.

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You're doing it wrong. Frenzel uses no energy, no diaphragm. Valsalva uses lots of energy.
See if you can equalize with your mouth open. If you can, then you are most likely using the frenzel.
Go in front of a mirror tilt your head up and equalize. Using the Frenzel, your adam's apple should move.
Place the palm of your hand on your stomach (obviously not the hand you use to equalize) and equalize. If you feel your abdominals flex, then you are probably using the Valsalva. If you can equalize without flexing them AT ALL then you are probably using the Frenzel.

Like Eric implied, the Frenzel is the way to go.
Allright guys, You were both right I was doing it wrong :duh But did get it right now!! and can do it without any effort at all! indeed more efficient than Vasaval. I would describe it as a "froggy" motion of the throat rofl

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