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Fresh water recommendations wanted WA/OR/CA

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New Member
Dec 27, 2023
Hey from Germany,
I have just now registered here because:

My son (13) is an enthusiastic fresh water snorkeler and we are considering a small tour down from Seattle to Reno with a bunch of snorkelling stops before we head out to Burning Man (again). I guess we'll have about 4 days.

The young man is very interested in finding and filming fish and underwater scenery, and he needs about 60 to 120 minutes per spot, depending on water temperature and what he finds.

Now, we have looked for lakes along a possible, winding route, but any recommendations, also for creeks (hikes of up to 60 mins would be ok, if it's not vehicle accessible), would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to see what he does, he has a youtube channel in German, but we're working on english subtitles, as he is fluent in English, just a little lazy

He'd certainly be happy about a few views, likes, comments or even subscriptions...

Tectox Wasserwelten

Thank you all!
Oh, I can totally relate to your son's enthusiasm for freshwater snorkeling! I've had my fair share of snorkeling adventures, and let me tell you, it's an incredible experience. Exploring underwater scenery and capturing it on film is such a rewarding pursuit. For your road trip from Seattle to Reno, I recommend checking out some hidden gems along the way. From my personal experience, there's nothing quite like stumbling upon a secluded lake or venturing into a picturesque creek that's off the beaten path. I'd love to check out your son's YouTube channel and help him get more views, likes, and subscriptions. Have a fantastic road trip and happy snorkeling!
Reactions: tommibrem
Our strategy for now is going by google maps satellite view to find spots, then researching those, checking photos and such. A bit of a tedious, albeit fun process, but it's hard to find smaller spots, as it's hard finding additional info.

We've zeroed in on a few things, like Lake Mervin, Timothy Lake, Clear Lake, Crescent Lake, Lake Siskyou, Shasta Lake, and Lake Davis, in that order.

Judging by water temperatures for Clear Lake, we'll be buying a new, thicker wetsuit
In case anyone is following this, we have a selection of lakes we are going to check out:

Lake Merwin, Clear Lake (Linn County), Waldo Lake, Whiskeytown Lake, Castle Lake, Upper Sardine Lake, and we'll check out Pring Creek (Shasta).

If anyone has been to any of these, let me know.
If you can make it across the sound, Crescent Lake at the top of the Washington peninsula is a must dive location. It is cold but the very deep, clear and blue water is hard to beat.
Reactions: tommibrem
If you can make it across the sound, Crescent Lake at the top of the Washington peninsula is a must dive location. It is cold but the very deep, clear and blue water is hard to beat.
Not on this trip, I'm afraid, but thanks for the rec!
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