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Fresh Water Spearguns?

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Carp Whisperer
Jul 27, 2004
As mentioned - ages ago I used a nemrod pneumatic to wreak adolescent carnage on carp - and other fishies too illegal to mention. Obviously visibility has changed and I'm wondering what all you find practical these days.

I've looked at the JBL line - magnum 38 NW looks good - I like mid-handle guns but Riffe looks like about the only offering and they are pricey even for the metal ones.

Opinions? Pneumos? etc.
I have a JBL 22 with 2 latex bands. I filled the barrel with foam but he gun is still a litle too heavy. Don't get me wrong, I've caught lots of dinner with it, but after trying Stu's 2 Beauchat guns and Feign's Riffe Metal, I'm in the market for something similar.
I would say the JBL is like a 4X4 SUV, the Beauchat like an F1 car and the Riffe like an Indy car.
I'll probably go with the Riffe.
Never shot a pneumatic gun.
Erik Y.
What I told Alison in that other thread applies here. You could do a lot worse than a JBL Custom, but if you have the change handy, getting a Riffe will allow you additional features and service and give you entre' to the wooden fold here, no small thing.
My pneumatic was very quick - had a very hard trigger but tremendous power at short ranges. They do make a really abrupt clicking sound however. Looks like the newer ones have more parts to wear out. And the range of that one would not be adequate for current greatlakes visibility. The JBl's look purpose built for the great lakes - heavy shaft, relatively short and lots of bands - pretty heavy duty. Thanks for the insight.

I have to say the Riffe mtech's do look like just the thing. Pricey though. Have to decide just how much spearfishing I'm really going to do.

Wood eh? Great.. more$$$$
arg :duh<ehehe..eh..eheh. he said 'wooden fold'..eheh.eh>
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Why don't you try something more special than usual woods??

If you think that Beuchat is F1 then i gurantee you that wooden euro gun is Ferrari F1 and you will be schumi of it, no doubt

If you really want something special that not everyone can have, import something from Italy, it won't cost you more than Riffe if you can't then buy serial production, like Master America or sea-tec albatros

You will not dissapoint
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Reactions: mishu1984
go for an AB Biller Pro. you can get a 42'' and cut and extra notch into the shaft, make sure a machinist does that and not you, and load it up with three bands.
yeah, go hack on a Biller...

...and after all that, you'll wish you'd bought a Riffe. :hmm
A Riffe MTO would be my choice for around here- short enough to use on the bad vis days inland. I have a custom wood gun with all Riffe parts and it rocks!

I also have a R.A. 75cm and it seems to do well on the dyas with better vis- but it doesn't balance out as well in fresh water as compared to salt. As a result, your wrist gets tired after a day of spearing- Sven can insert his own joke here.

I have never used a pnuemo and never felt that my band guns didn't have enough power. The R.A. only has a single band, but still packs enough of a punch to pierce a carp's skull plate.

Ted used a JBL for a long time before he went wood. I really didn't care for it too much as it seemed slow and heavy. Since all the fish you can actually EAT around here aren't that big, a light euro gun works fine.

Still, the mid-handle gun, whether it be metal or wood, is really sweet for both limited vis and longer shots- since you can adjust the power by how many bands you decide to load up.

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Nice mess o' crappies, Jon. Ever try a hawaiian sling for those things? I bet you could rig a shooting line for one and have a ball. Riffe is the medicine, though.
Originally posted by Fondueset
Erik - which Riffe MT are you looking at?

My buddy 'feign' (on DB) will have to answer that....the one he's got, I want! I'll ask him to elaborate. I like the mid handle design and the accuracy, plus it's very smooth.
Erik Y.
I'm thinking the mtech #0 or #0s would probably do just fine - that or the #1 or #1s - certainly nothing bigger for around here.
Those Riffe's are beautifully engineered and designed.

I've never tried a Hawaiian sling, but I have used my pole spear. I don't know much about riggig a line on a sling, but it would certainly be needed when you can't see past the tip of you gun.:blackeye

The mid-handles are nice for aspeto.They swing up easily and can be shot one-handed at anything lurking over your shoulder- which isn't something I can do with my R.A. very easily.

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