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From the Bahamas

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Hi Evonne, Welcome to DB.

You picked the opposite ends of the climate scale for places to live. Both are nice, but wow, how different.

Ever been in the water in the extreme northern Exumas, Ship Channel Cays, particularly outside of Sail Rocks?? Those are on my list, but haven't been there yet.

They are my stomping ground I have been going there since I was 15. There is a place where you can go and walk in the water and pick up a meal of conch. I have been from North sail rock to Staniel Cay. My favorite is Ship Channel. Only thing is the little beach area at the southern end (Greate safe harbor if you know how to get in) is now a private beach for tourist on Power Boat Adventures. There are a few wells for fresh water again if you know where to find them.

What kind of boat do you have? When do you plan on going?
25 ft Seacraft Seafari, extreme deepV, 300 hp I/0, duoprop. The boat dives/eats/sleeps 3 in comfort and 4 in a pinch. I do a couple of Bahama trips a year, last year south of Bimini and Hole in the Wall. You can find trip reports in the Freediving Stories section, great dolphin vids. I plan to do the same schedule next summer and an Exuma/Rum/Conception/San Salvador trip in two or three years. That one will take some planning.

There is supposed to be fabulous freedivng outside of Sail rocks down to Ship Channel, big ledges in 40-80 ft or thereabouts. Ever been on any of that?

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Out side sail rocks is tough to spearfish cause there is a lot of tide. You have to go down long before you see anything and go with the tide. Then you hope you spot a fish in your path and you will only get one shot. unless its slack tide.
Outside Ship Channel 60 to 80 ft there are huge humps with white sand between them sometimes you can find big ledges in them.
Always took home a better catch from the inside conch crawfish and fish.

Now for dolphin we rarely trolled the edge we would go out from Ocean Rock 120 degrees for about 3 or 4 miles and start looking for birds not the big flocks that's usually small tuna. Look for 3 or more birds working an area then troll. Sometimes we did not even need to troll we would see the dolphin and throw bait. We used hand lines with no leader wire. As soon as the fish was in the boat we would cut the line and tie on another hook and back in the water. Our best catch was 173 dolphin in under 4 hours 5 of us on-board a 20ft Thunderbird. It was so crazy I was just gafing them out of the water.
Good information on the terrain, thanks.

I thought that area might have a stiff tide. Tide can be good for us. Most of our day is sight seeing, let the tide do the work and we get to see more area. On a long trip, we don't have enough ice to store fish, so its dinner only. I've come to like it that way.

check you PMs.

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Just returned from Grand Bahama. Just bought a place there. Need to learn the "lay of the land" for freediving from the beaches.
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