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Frozen fish recipes (bass)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Ok. So I've a freezer full of bass. What are the best recipes for using frozen bass (now there's no fresh fish available)? I cooked a fillet for the cat the other day and it didn't seem so inviting as a fresh fish.
Funny you should say that cause ive just had a dinner party and used some frozen bass as a starter.ok....
I filleted the bass,skinned it then sliced into strips
i then cut those strips onto a plate and covered them in flour and used my fingers to make sure they were all fully covered.
Then.....i got a bowl and whisked up 2 eggs with a bit of milk
Right,now the easy bit,buy a packet of crackers,you know the cheese crackers and mash 'em up however you like until they're pretty well mashed,stick 'em in a bowl.
Get the flour covered fish,dip them in the egg mixture fully and then into the cracker mixture making sure they're fully covered in the crusty crushed stuff,stick 'em on a plate and put them in a fridge whilst you.....
Get a big sausepan of sunflower oil,get it red hot,then stick all your well prepaired fish into the pan,it isn't gonna take long,like,2 minutes....then deposit them onto some absorbant paper and serve with a selection of dips.

I find this a most favourable way of cooking bass and as we were well nervous about cooking for a chef,he seemed satisfied with he outcome,mind you,my misses lasangne kicks arse.

Hope this helps.

All the best Daf.
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