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gara 2000. Time to upgrade?

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New Member
Jan 26, 2008
I have been using the gara 2000's since I started diving. I was reading on another site that they are too stiff for prolonged surface time and they cause cramping and fatigue.

I have had a little bit of occasional foot cramp and ankle strain, is a softer fin the right choice and can I switch without losing power?

Whats the next level or should I just buy the C4's?
All other things being equal, a softer fin will result in less power, but depending on your swimming style, may provide you better movement on the surface.
If you want to go with the c4 Flap 30 you will get a good surface and depth fin (however you will pay for it $440)
If you want to save the money and you like the cressi footpocket, the Gara3000ld is probably a good fin. Made for surface swimming, good for depths up to 25m. Basically indestructible. And if you're having leg/ankle cramps it's probably a good change from the gara 2000. I've never tried carbon fins but I've heard people who use them love them, so hopefully someone will give you some feedback on them. Happy shopping.
I used to have 2000HF's but I switched over to 3000LD mostly because of water temperature making the 2000's extremely stiff. Your weight/build can dictate a suitable fin for you. For example, I am 5'9" and weigh 152 lbs, so although strong, I just don't have the power to move those stiff fins. The 3000's however are terrific. best fin in my opinion in the 100-120 dollar range. I just a few days ago was looking into getting fiberglass fins, but I couldnt weigh the cost/benefit ratio of switching to a fin with small gains, BIG expense. I instead bought another set of 3000's in a smaller size to fit my barefoot better. Hope this helps, good luck!
My philosophy is:

There are no stiff fins - there is only lack of excercise. :D :t
Everyone says its a personal preference, is there anyplace to demo different fins? maybe spear expos or similar event?
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