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Garlic, parsley and Chilli Butter for fish (or any other seafood!!)

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New Member
Jan 12, 2007
A simple and quick way i use to make my catch all the more tastier is to cook is with a garlic, parsley and chilli butter. What i usually do is skin all the fish i caught (doesn't really matter what kind, i cook all different types of fish together in the one parcel.). I then place the fish on a large sheet of aluminium foil and cover them with the garlic, parsley and chilli butter. The way i make this butter is to mix 150-200g of melted butter with crushed garlic (amount to taste), a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley, a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lemon juice and 1-2 chopped red chillis (optional). I then completely wrap the fish in the foil and cook on a preheated barbeque (lid down) for roughly 10-15 minutes. You can take is straight from the barbeque and eat it from the parcel if you are lazy like me!

Hope you enjoy this recipe, i know it wasn't written in the conventional recipe style but i don't really have exact measurements because i mix it up everytime i make it! lol.

Please post some feedback to let me know if you liked it.

Happy eating. :t

Hey Beno,
Sounds like a delicious dish! What kind of chilis do you use? Thanks for sharing it, and welcome to DB!

Sounds delicious! i dont understand... So u cook it first then place it on the alu sheets? How do u cook it first before the wrapping?

Hey Beno,
Sounds like a delicious dish! What kind of chilis do you use? Thanks for sharing it, and welcome to DB!


Heya maytag. I normally use birds-eye chillis. I live in Australia and they are available here but i am not what countries you can get them in. But i think that any small, red, spicy chilli will do! Hehe hope you enjoy it.

Sounds delicious! i dont understand... So u cook it first then place it on the alu sheets? How do u cook it first before the wrapping?


Gday Zane. The way i do it is wrap the raw fish with the garlic butter on it in the aluminium foil, and then cook that for 10-15 mins (varies according to amount of fish and heat). Hope that helped. Just ask if you have any other problems.

Bon Appetite!

Looks good! I suppose another way to do it would be to make up the flavored butter and baste the fish on the barbie, for those obsessively hands-on sorts. However, I like Beno's laid back approach. For those still wondering about the chili's . . . The bird peppers are world-wide but known by several names. In Southern Africa they're piri-piri, I believe they're the only sort available in China, Thai's use them extensively and in Spanish speaking countries, look for chilis arboles. Just figure that any little, skinny pepper that grows pointy end up is giving you fair warning. Good on yer, mate!
For those still wondering about the chili's . . . The bird peppers are world-wide but known by several names. In Southern Africa they're piri-piri, I believe they're the only sort available in China, Thai's use them extensively and in Spanish speaking countries, look for chilis arboles. Just figure that any little, skinny pepper that grows pointy end up is giving you fair warning. Good on yer, mate!

Thanks for the tips, OldSarge! I know piri-piri as pili pili. There used to be a Provencal-style restaurant here by the name of PiliPili. I had monkfish there for the first time several years ago and it was amazing. I've never had it since. Monkfish is an ugly critter - downright scary - but mighty tasty. It would taste good in Beno's preparation. I don't think it tastes like lobster in flavor or texture - why do they call it poor man's lobster?

Sorry this is off-topic (sorry Beno), but I saw a reference to this restaurant and thought you and Spaghetti might find it interesting (check out the books by the chef): St. JOHN Restaurant, St. JOHN Bread and Wine | Smithfield restaurant, Spitalfields restaurant, Nose to Tail Eating, London restaurant The context of the reference being that the chef's philosophy is to show respect for the entire animal and to waste none of it. Thus, the appearance of unusual cuts of meat/animal on the menu...
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The context of the reference being that the chef's philosophy is to show respect for the entire animal and to waste none of it. Thus, the appearance of unusual cuts of meat/animal on the menu...

Hmmm, you know, I got a similar feeling the first time I went into the local Chinese supermarket's meat department. You look down into the frozen meat section, see what's there and ask yourself, "Jeez, do people really eat that?"

Hmmm, you know, I got a similar feeling the first time I went into the local Chinese supermarket's meat department. You look down into the frozen meat section, see what's there and ask yourself, "Jeez, do people really eat that?"


rofl Have you looked at the dried foods section?! Shiver me timbers!!! Swallow's nest is dried swallow saliva. And the stuff you see frozen? It comes DRIED, too. It concentrates the pungency.... Have you seen those tiny little baby crabs that are roasted and salted with sesame and seaweed bits? They're no bigger than the size of a quarter - shell and all. They're in the snack section. [Hey, what happened to the barfing smiley? I can't find it

My beloved Grandmother :inlove passed away nearly a year ago. She lived a very long, good life in China and in Hong Kong. Her very last meal request? A Sausage McMuffin from McDonald's. :)
Then there was the time I spent in the field with the S. Korean army. There was about 3' of snow on the ground and breakfast was rice, hot soup, kim-chi and tiny salted fishes to mix with the rice. Pour winter kim-chi over the whole lot, chug down the soup and life became bearable again. One could even face the cold with equanimity.

Yeah, this blue-eye enjoys kim-chi!
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