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Gear Advise for Vanuatu

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New Member
Aug 5, 2004
I'm heading to Vanuatu for a spearfishing trip in June (winter there I think, but I don't see there being too much difference) and am looking for any advise I can get on what gear to take over, and most importantly what wetsuit, if any. If any one has been/lives there could they tell me what the water temp is at that time of the year as I will need to buy a wet/stinger suit.
Also, are there any rules against spearing there or anything like that?

Thanks a lot.
I've been to Vanuatu once, it's pretty similar conditions to the barrier reef. Water temp roughly around 28 degrees in summer, and down to about 24 degrees or so when it's "really cold". :)
Should be fine in a 3mm 2 pce all day, may even be too warm, maybe just a 3mm top and shorts ?
Can get away with a surfing wetsuit. Don't know much about spearing rules out there, I doubt there are many if any. At most perhaps a few marine / no take zones but don't know if they are really that organised.
I can't remember anything about stingers, they do get sharks out there of course.

This "rival" site has vid's on spearfishing Vanuatu. Joined just to watch them. Should be able to get more info there.


There's also at least one, probably two, of Rex Hunt Fishing Adventures set in Vanuatu. I think that's where the Guide is a guy who runs a Dive and Fish centre, wouldn't bet my pension on it but I think that was the case. Could try a search on the web for a SCUBA centre out there.

Hope that's helped.


PS Been trying to get "down under" for the last year or two. Gonna make it in the next year or so - for sure. Tell those "Kingies" to watch out 'cause the Old Man is coming.
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