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Generating new blood

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2009
I was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for the body to generate new blood after blood loss.

For example, If I were to have a blood test (you know those ones where they test for everything and take quite a bit of blood) how long would it take for me to get my blood level back to normal for training purposes.

I'm currently pool training 3 times a week and would like to know how many sessions it would effect (if any) for obvious safety reasons.
This is from Divers Alert Network

DAN Divers Alert Network
If you donate blood, it will take anywhere from one to three months for your hemoglobin levels to return to normal. So your diving ability will be compromised for that same amount of time. Sure, your blood VOLUME will go back up quickly, but that's just plasma (water) that is taking the place of red blood cells.
During my last operation my blood loss exceeded some 'max allowed' number. I think it was 0.6 liters and they transfused 0.4 from someone else. 6-8% net loss. I think that's a lot more than they would take for tests. Less than a week after the operation I managed a static at 90% of my PB.
Certainly take 10% off your training and be cautious but don't talk yourself into anything.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm training for a comp at the moment so might put it off until then just to be safe!

When I do end up going ahead with it - will post up any experiences I have with training should anything interesting happen (or not)!

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