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Genoveva Fierro wreck (Spain)

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May 21, 2023
This vessel, owned by Naviera Ferros, was sailing the route from Gijón to Bilbao with a full load of coal. On December 16, 1925, at 9 p.m., it crossed paths with the ship "Antonio" and collided with it. It suffered significant damage and a large breach in its hull. Attempts were made to tow it to Bilbao, but while navigating through Punta del Caballo, 2.2 nautical miles from Punta del Pescador, it couldn't stay afloat and sank. It went down to a depth of 55 meters. Resting on a sandy seabed, its remains harbor a wealth of marine life, including sunfish, lobsters, spider crabs, conger eels, sea bass, and more. Due to the great depth and strong currents in the area, diving on this wreck presents high difficulty. There are rumors that the real cause of the shipwreck was the imprudence or overconfidence of the captains of the colliding vessels, as they were brothers and it is said that the collision occurred when both ships approached to greet each other.

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