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GM In our food - Are fish threatened?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Automated DeeperBlue.com Bot
Jan 12, 2007
Our ever opinionated Freediving Editor, Cliff Etzel, once again gives us his opinion about Genetically Modified Organisms and how they relate to the sport of Freediving and Spearfishing.

This is an article discussion thread for discussing the following DeeperBlue.net Article item:

Click here for original DeeperBlue.net Article...
We have been gentically modifyig our food for many thousands of years. Corn wheat rice cattle, all are nothing like their orginal organsims that we took from the wild.
The modern process that we label GMO is just a faster way to do what we have benn doing since the begining. And a fish that is realsed into the wild that grows at an accralated rate must be able to consume enough food to maintain its growth rate, hence the slower growth rates of wild fish.
As far as us eating these GMO's our digestive system breaks down all protiens (genes) during the digestive process.
Ok now i am going to eat a banana, not edible in it "natural none modifyed form" not ever reconized as a bannana as we know them.
I am sorry, but we can see on your arguments that you were successfully brainwashed. The difference between GMO and cross-breeding is much more than just the speed (which is a very important factor BTW too allowing the environment to adapt). Current genetic manipulation techniques go much further than that - for example they add human genes into plants. That is excellent for their immunity against diseases, against pesticides and other chemicals, but their effect on human health is unknown and according to many experts it is quite likely that it can cause diseases of Creutzfeld-Jacobs syndrome type (mad cow) and many other problems. And this is not the only problem of genetic manipulation. I highly recommend studying some facts about it in specialized literature, not in your local press or political magazines - you can barely get any reliable info there.
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Mad cow diease is caused by a prion that come from a cow or sheep eating dieased meat of other cows or sheep and has nothing to do with GMOs. Let see i jsut brought a brocliflower and tangelo form the store so if you think that GMO is so dangerous that you should have started worrying about in 100 years ago. Almost all fo the food that we eat has been gentically manipulated GMO are just a faster way of doing what we have been doing for many years. And DONT even think of trying to pull up my plucot tree.
Hmm, that's new to me that our predecessors where capable of crossing rice genes with human ones hundreds years ago as it is common in today's laboratories. Sorry, but comparing modern genetics with ancient cross breeding is mixing apples and oranges. I hate to disappoint you but the difference is not only in the speed (though that's already bad enough too).
Our ever opinionated Freediving Editor, Cliff Etzel, once again gives us his opinion about Genetically Modified Organisms and how they relate to the sport of Freediving and Spearfishing.

This is an article discussion thread for discussing the following DeeperBlue.net Article item:

Click here for original DeeperBlue.net Article...

Hmm - ever opinionated huh? Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. Rehashing a six year old article doesn't speak too well from a former insider who is now on the outside looking in.

Given the quality that has been DB since I left, I will keep from giving anymore opinions from this point forward.:ban

It surprises me that the so called "Newsbot" is controlled by the editorial head honcho's at DB. So much for a "Bot".

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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Hmm - ever opinionated huh? Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. Rehashing a six year old article doesn't speak too well from a former insider who is now on the outside looking in.

Given the quality that has been DB since I left, I will keep from giving anymore opinions from this point forward.:ban

It surprises me that the so called "Newsbot" is controlled by the editorial head honcho's at DB. So much for a "Bot".

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


The revamp wasn't intentional.

ArticleBot is a new feature. Post is here: DeeperBlue.net Forums Being Upgraded

It's cycling through old articles so we've had a bit of a posting dump

If you check the home page, your article didn't actually reappear recently.
The article is from 2001 from when Cliff was the FreeDiving Editor. Cliff had full access to the management system behind the site at that time and would have agreed to the article description at the time.

The "bot" is only a mechanism to post news and articles from the main site onto these forums, as a lot of people don't always know what is going on with articles and news DB produces.

Rather than sniping at us Cliff, why don't you look to submit some articles or news to us. I don't come over to your site and snipe at you so i'd appreciate it if you didn't do the same over here.
I deleted my post because I don't understand the situation, so I can't comment. :)
I deleted my post because I don't understand the situation, so I can't comment. :)


The article bot posted some old articles recently, including the one mentioned in this thread. no changes were made to the article, it has been advertised exactly how it was published all those years ago.

As DB is being upgraded... http://forums.deeperblue.net/626818-post29.html
see what Papa Smurf says. Old stuff is being churned out from the past while it goes through the cycle.
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