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Gone to Baja Trip report April 21-25th.

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New Member
Nov 26, 2003
Hello Deeper Blue Divers!

This was a great trip to Baja for lots of reasons. It started off in San Diego as usual. When we were leaving it was rainy and there was even snow on the mountains as we headed east on the 8fwy.

I had 3 customers. 2 were SCUBA spearos from Florida and 1 was a freediver from L.A.. SCUBA and spears are illegal in Mexico so the customers from Florida were going on their first freedive hunting trip.

The first day was ok. We had about 10 foot vis that would clear up in some areas. After checking a couple of spots we found an upwelling of clear water by one of the islands. One of the customers was in the water with me and I asked him if he saw anything. He said he saw some huge grouper and even took a shot at one with his new Wong gun. Later on in the day when we were getting back in the boat he swam up with his first ever Grouper. It was a nice one.

My customer from Fla. and his wife also got their first ever freediving fish!

I had decided that I would get some Rock Oysters for dinner to have with the Triggerfish. We saute them together with olive oil and spices and have them in alfredo sauce with pasta!

While I was diving for dinner I found a gift from the Sea. It was a pearl. The only one I have ever found.

The next day the wind was a up a little bit but we made it to the islands and found a sheltered spot. All of the divers were trying to better their catch from the day before and were being selective. I had noticed that the guy from Fla. was in the boat early. When I swam in I found out that he had shot his first ever freedive Grouper! He was stoked! He figured that we had enough for dinner and decided to just hang out and enjoy the views from the front of the boat with his wife.

That night we had Panko breaded grouper fillets fried in pure olive oil, with rice pilaf. So damn good.

The last day we started getting some nice Grunts. Barred grunts and Burrito Grunts are great eating fish. I did some diving while the customers were shooting dinner. I got a small grouper and took some pics of my office.

That night we had blackend Grunt fillets with spicy mexican rice, and of course the cold beer.

The next day it was time to leave. It was an un-real trip. To commerate the the un-realness, I made a snowman out of ice from my solar freezer. yep Ice made from the sun, I called him.....


Then I took them to see the giant cactus in the Valley of the Giants on the way home, just for some good baja pics!

And thats my report. Next week its rod and reel fishing customers so Ill be drifting some frozen squid and posting later.

See ya in the south,
Gone to Baja Adventure Tours -- Home
Reactions: Old Man Dave
Man, I really, really , really wanna be you . Getting paid for spearing in Baja, too much .

Yeah, it's a complete ball! Unfortunately, I ran into some unexpected expenses and had to cancel my May trip. Damn! Oh well, wait 'til next year!
Were gonna miss ya on that trip Sarge! You are my Good luck White Sea Bass Charm! Im gonna go back to that same spot this year with El Tiburon and see if we can get a bigger one.

How can I post up my pics? I hate the click a link thing

Dale, go "Advanced" in your reply options and then underneath, in "Additional Options" there's a "Manage Attachment" button that allows you to search your hard disk for pics and upload them. Try to size them down a bit so they are not much larger than say, 600 or 700 pixels per side. It'll make loading easier.
Yeah, what he said. Works a treat.

Good luck on that WSB hunt, even though if you guys score I'll cry for missing the WSB Philidelphia. If there is anything better on this Earth, it must be chocolate.
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