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Gone to Baja video 1-Gonzaga Bay

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2005
I posted this on spearboard, but thought you guys might like it too...

I just picked up Dale's video as I didnt have the luxury of being able to attend the preview. After asking around for an opinion, and not really getting one, I'll take the Siskel & Ebert challenge, seeing as how I leave on the 14th and wont be near a computer for a month or so...

Overall, I really liked the video. I thought it had alot of what Ive been looking for. Being new to southern california spearfishing, Im always looking for a little help in the technique department. I like how Dale put a tip here and there to help the new jacks like myself out, and throws in some identification tables with where to look, and how to cook 'em, without making it too much of an instructional.

Ive been watching lifestyle sport videos forever, and what I like most in the ones I do own, is the fact that it is seldom about just action, action, action. Sometimes the seach or the series of events is more interesting to me. This had more than just bandsnapping action, but sometimes seemed forced. (although I did like the guy running down the beach with a polespear after the squid, or the boat debacle... classic) I would have liked to see the dives in length, not just the aim, fire, swim. Did Julie look around or did she see grouper that big on every dive. Granted a camera man over a shoulder could make things a bit more difficult, but I think she could manage just fine. (Julie was killin' it for most of the video)

What I liked most about this is that all the fish taken were totally in the realm of what I was capable of. It was really easy to put myself in that boat taking those shots. The action was pretty sick, no doubt, but how many 400 lb tuna can you watch get taken down. Its like watching people tow into Jaws, eventually it gets boring. But not the guys searching for really fun 4-8 ft waves and having a blast on the way. Thats what this video was like. Good spearos having a blast on a road trip. I love the cooking footage. Must have rewound and replayed that footage for ideas 10 times.

All in all, it was worth the cash I payed, and Im taking it on a boat with me for something to watch. Im really stoked for part 2, I just hope they take more time, get people in front of the camera lighting each others farts or something so its not so short. I think a commentary feature would have been a great idea too, just to give people more insight into the trip. I know any gonzaga bay trip isnt a half hour long...

Good job Dale!!!

heres a link where you can check out the trailer...
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