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Good to be back..

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A Speaker of Nonsense
Nov 28, 2006
Well.. After so long out(due to various reasons and excuses). I finally managed to drag my self down to my local dive shop, and buy half the shop..

I tell you this.. It feels dam good to get back in a suit. Soooo Warm

Had a very nice swim close to where i live. Vis was about 4-5 meters, or less, not sure(not so good, but it'll do). Saw a few bass, but by the time i noticed them they'd already realized i was there, and woosh, away they went.. Ah well. Will practice on my stealth.

I was suprised to find i could go much deeper than i could in the past, but didnt want to over do it, so i stuck to a comfortable depth.

Im very happy to get back in the water though.. Tomorrows forecast is good, and i fancy fish for dinner.
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