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Gordon didn't spear a bass (are we surprised?)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Anyone read the Sunday Times today? There's a piece on page 4 or 6 about how Gordon Ramsay didn't actually spear any fish on his trip out with Dave O'c and Spearo Dave on his F word series. Well, its that interesting really, nothing clever to say:hmm
Never made anybody spear fish for me. But at least a couple of times I bought them at the market, made a hole just behind the gill plate and told my wife it was my own catch. The difference is that I kept the secret, he he he....
My brother in law once did the same with a HUGE gilthead, but the fake was soon found out: the supermarket receipt was sticked on the fish! It takes an ability for cheating...
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Well at least there was some truth to the F***ing action man comment,
nice to look at (if ur 8) but in general F***ing useless as he would delicately put it,
Gordon Ramsey???? Better for him if he keeps cooking,dont think he can go over a meter under the water:rcard .
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