Hi, Water Rat here.
I tried just the other day to go back to regular swimming--AND I COULD'T MAKE MYSELF BREATHE!!! I tried to breaststroke across the pool--I was about two-thirds of the way across before I could force myself up for breath! LOL! I hadda tell myself--"You are not going to touch that black cross on the end until you breathe!" Well, gang--I knew I couldn't hold my breath forever, so it's a foregone conclusion what I did.
I've retaught myself to swim--in the last few days, I can even backstroke--my least favorite stroke on the team in high school!
I can now breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke, all breathing--I also remember why I prefer diving--you don't get water in your nose unexpectedly!:duh
I tried just the other day to go back to regular swimming--AND I COULD'T MAKE MYSELF BREATHE!!! I tried to breaststroke across the pool--I was about two-thirds of the way across before I could force myself up for breath! LOL! I hadda tell myself--"You are not going to touch that black cross on the end until you breathe!" Well, gang--I knew I couldn't hold my breath forever, so it's a foregone conclusion what I did.
I've retaught myself to swim--in the last few days, I can even backstroke--my least favorite stroke on the team in high school!
I can now breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke, all breathing--I also remember why I prefer diving--you don't get water in your nose unexpectedly!:duh