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Great Freediving Equipment Summer Sale!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Apr 23, 2002
Dear Freedivers!
WaterWay Canada (www.finswimming.ca) starts as of today great
Summer Sale. We give 10% discount on every item. New Prices are on the site. With this discounts this prices are really out of competition! We can give you additional 10% (mark checkbox as a privileged customer in this case) if you can organize as groups with more then 10 items order!
For the first group you can write yourself in this thread. After 10 items ordered we start payment procedure and make delivery. After that we start new thread with new group.

It's a great deal!
Free Market


As the deeperblue store sells mono's, I applaud you for not editing/deleting the above post. Not only are you not "blackballing" the competition, you are letting them advertise for free.

I think it is great that deeperblue can allow for such an exchange without being threatened. Reaffirms my support for this site. Speaking of which, is there an easier way to get to the t-shirt/hat, etc. site short of going through your old
"Deeper Blue Clothing/Merchandise" thread?


Well - in theory posts such as these are in violation of the Forum Rules and Guidelines everyone signs up to when they join the forums - however, the Mentors and myself have discussed this and are willing to let WaterWay Canada post so long as they don't become blatant advertising pitches. Likewise for any other company that wants to post.

The rules mean that so long as the post are more advice orientated we'll let them stay - but blatant advertising may cause issues with us.

Merchandising is coming soon - the "DB Clothing/Merchandising" Thread is just a sneak peak at the moment - we'll be launching our official merchandising soon.

Hold on! Don't get me wrong - what I was saying that you are more than welcome to post on the site and advertise your goods, so long as it is in a context of providing information - what we object to is blatant advertising that is there for no other purpose.

Members of these forums have a keen interest in your products so providing information to them is great! However from our point of view we need to protect our paying advertisers who buy advertising on the site as if everyone was able to post anything they wanted we would have a mutany on our hands!

Don't forget that our Admins, Moderators and Mentors would remove any posts they feel breach ouor policy so since your post is still here you can take it from me that we don't consider it "advertising".

For my first monofin should I get a #2 in a medium stiffness?

Hi Jon,
yes, you can! It depends on your legs strength. You need to work on you kicking because it's the first one and definitely the Sprint (hardest) is not for you yet. Sprint is for highest speed on the surface and for working on kicking effort for freediving (in this case it's just a training tool). It's very helpful for the training of the professionals. For deep diving the LD (softest) is the best for now. One of reasons - it gets optimal angle between your feet and the blade you need automatically! Aaron Solomon recommends having to monos: Sprint for training, LD for Diving. But Aaron is a super-professional and your 'best' can be quite different with 'best' for him.

As a first monofin MD is a good - it affords you to have a fun with a high speed on the surface, for not very deep diving (and coming back!) and for training also.
For the beginning Medium is a good choose.
All the best,
Should I get the LD then? Is the model #2 the best for what I want to do, or should I look at a different one?

of course you can! Just write a size.
So LD stifness (hardness in European nomination). OK,
#2 is the best Model for you. #1 is mostly for professional competition. Almost all world speed records are with it. But for freediving it will be hard to handle with it first. Even world champs have training with #2 even for surface. Smaller monos like Dozo and #3 are for fitness (I'd say the good one!) and working with kicking in butterfly for classic swimmers. They’re not for divers! As an exception small persons and kids can use #3 for diving.
all the best,
Today I tried the front-mount snorkel that Peter sent me, and I love it. It will become my rec-freediving snorkel too. It's very comfortable, and it does not obscure vision as you might think. It's close enough to the mask that the barrel is invisible. The snorkel sits firmly in the harness, and does not move at all under speed, unlike a side-mount snorkel. It is easy to spit it out and retrieve it at any time, and the mouthpiece rests against your mouth when it is out.
Highly recommended
Erik Y.

sorry for the ignorance, but i'm a 11.5 in american shoe sizing. i want to order a fin, but am not sure about the sizing. is the 10% off the website price?

thanks for your time,
Hi andrsn,
you need the XL size, we have even XXL. No any problem. Outside North America people use millimeters for footsizing in monofins. I don't like it myself, but it became a standard. You can use millimeters in your order - it will be more precise.
About discounts: all prices in the site already have 10% discount from our ordinary prices. To get additional 10% we need 10 guys, let's say from this thread. The reason is fairly easy - We have variety of the gear and cannot afford to keep in the stock many fins in every size and stiffness (it will be several hundreds goods) here and I can attach it to my ordinary list for delivering them from Europe in another price category (the Cargo companies charge for delivery wow!). Some persons get the fins from stock in Toronto (if I've sixes and stiffness) - it's approximately 1 week, the others 3 weeks after the payment if I don't have a size or stiffness (hardness in European name).

All the best,
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