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Great online experience with LeisurePro- Shipped to Canada

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New Member
May 30, 2007
I was looking for fins, a mask and a bag to hold my gear. I had a hard time with sizing and shipping to Canada. I'm in Montreal and none of the local stores stock freediving gear. My only live option was to chose from a catalogue, pay a non-refundable deposit and wait two weeks for the gear to arrive (for fins that cost $100 more than what they sell for online). My online options weren't obvious because of hidden charges, no shipping to Canada or fees for Canadian credit cards, ridiculous. I bought some Gara 3000LD fins, Alien Mask, 3mm neosocks and a nice gear bag online from LeisurePro. It took one day for it to be shipped, clear the border and arrive at my door. I was shocked. No extra fees, well packaged, exactly what I ordered and it all fit perfect. (Thanks to all the great information on this forum)

Buying gear online seems to be the only option for most of us in Canada, at least in the snowy east. I would definitely recommend LeisurePro to other divers up here.:)